This library provides a flexible, feature-complete emulation of the Zilog Z80 Counter/Timer Circuit (CTC). It supports both timer and counter modes, interrupt handling, and provides a close approximation of the original Z80 CTC's functionality.
- Four independent channels
- Timer and Counter modes
- Configurable prescaler (16/256)
- Interrupt handling
- Flexible trigger edge selection
- Callback support
- Interrupt vector configuration
- Make
# Build the library and examples
# Clean build artifacts
make clean
#include <z80_ctc.h>
int main() {
// Create CTC instance with 4 MHz system clock
Z80_CTC ctc;
z80_ctc_init(&ctc, 4000000);
// Configure Channel 0 as a timer with interrupts
z80_ctc_write_control(&ctc, 0, 0x86);
// Set interrupt vector
z80_ctc_set_interrupt_vector(&ctc, 0, 0x10);
// Set time constant
z80_ctc_write_time_constant(&ctc, 0, 100);
// Simulate clock ticks
while (1) {
// Handle interrupts
if (z80_ctc_has_pending_interrupt(&ctc)) {
return 0;
The library supports various configuration options through its API:
- Channel mode selection (timer/counter)
- Prescaler configuration
- Trigger edge selection
- Interrupt handling
- Callback registration
Contributions are welcome! Please submit pull requests or open issues on the project repository.
This is a software emulation and may not perfectly replicate hardware timing characteristics.