An open-source distributed and pervasive system for peer-to-peer control of electricity consumption in house.
- gRPC: an open source remote procedure call (RPC) system
- Chord: a protocol and algorithm for a peer-to-peer distributed hash table
- Project Jersey: an open source framework for developing RESTful Web Services.
- Project Grizzly: a framework for build scalable and robust servers using NIO as well as offering extended framework components.
- Ricart-Agrawala Algorithm: an algorithm for mutual exclusion on a distributed system.
- Knowm XChart: a light-weight and convenient library for plotting data.
- Oracle Java 10
- Apache Maven 3.6
- Google Protocol Buffers 3.7
IntelliJ IDEA Community 2019.1 (
Run the Maven package command:
mvn package
Run the REST Server:
java -cp target\Ohm-o-matic-jar-with-dependencies.jar OhmOMatic.REST.RestServer
Run the Admin client:
java -cp target\Ohm-o-matic-jar-with-dependencies.jar OhmOMatic.Cli.CliAdmin -r http://localhost:8080/OOM/OOM
Run the first Chord client:
java -cp target\Ohm-o-matic-jar-with-dependencies.jar OhmOMatic.Cli.CliCasa -r http://localhost:8080/OOM/OOM -i Naruto -k -q 9001
Run some Chord clients:
java -cp target\Ohm-o-matic-jar-with-dependencies.jar OhmOMatic.Cli.CliCasa -r http://localhost:8080/OOM/OOM -i Sasuke -k -q 9002 -j -p 9001
Run some Chord clients:
java -cp target\Ohm-o-matic-jar-with-dependencies.jar OhmOMatic.Cli.CliCasa -r http://localhost:8080/OOM/OOM -i Sakura -k -q 9003 -j -p 9001
Run some Chord clients:
java -cp target\Ohm-o-matic-jar-with-dependencies.jar OhmOMatic.Cli.CliCasa -r http://localhost:8080/OOM/OOM -i Kakashi -k -q 9004 -j -p 9001
Copyright 2019 (c) [MAIONE MIKY]. All rights reserved.
Licensed under the MIT License.