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Magic Signs

Chuck Werner edited this page Aug 20, 2021 · 7 revisions

The Magic Signs

Magic Signs are specially named Signs that can be used to invoke the magical powers of Wizardry! Creating a Magic Sign is as simple as entering the correct name in the top line, and using a Magic Sign is as simple as swinging a Magic Wand at one!

Wizard Elevator

[Added in 1.2.0] Wizard Elevator allows a Wizard to move up and down between floors of a structure.

To create a Wizard Elevator Magic Sign, simply create a wall sign (it must be a wall sign!) and set the first line as [WizardElevator] (exactly). To make it function, however, another Wizard Elevator sign must be set somewhere directly above or below this sign (at the same X and Z coordinates, that is). Also, ensure there is enough clearance for a Wizard to land - the sign should be one block off the ground (the block directly below it should be air), and there must be a solid block (two blocks below the sign) for the Wizard to stand on.

You can use the second line of the Wizard Elevator sign freely, so you can put a name in for the Elevator or its destination. When a Wizard Elevator is properly created, the sign will look like this:

Wizard Elevator Sign

The use a Wizard Elevator sign, swing your wand at it. This will transport you up to the next highest Wizard Elevator sign, if a safe one can be found. If you crouch (sneak) and swing your wand at the Wizard Elevator sign, you will be transported down to the next lowest Wizard Elevator sign. The magic of the Wizard Elevator can even safely transport you through solid blocks without suffocating!

Safety note: Wizard Elevator will not send you to the next destination if it detects any dangerous blocks (lava, fire, etc) in between you and your destination.

Wizard Passage

[Added in 1.2.0] A Wizard Passage sign can be used to create a secret passage, or a not-so-secret doorway through a solid wall. This is great for hiding secret rooms, or just for making doorways that mobs can't find or get through.

To create a Wizard Passage, put up a wall sign (only wall signs will work) and make the first line of the sign [WizardPassage]. The second line of the sign will indicate which side of the sign the passage will be on - >> to make it to the right of the sign, and << to make it to the left of the sign. The third line will indicate how many seconds the passage stays open - only 1 through 10 are valid options. If you don't fill in the second or third lines, they will be automatically filled in with default values.

Wizard Passage Sign

Now, when you hit the sign with your wand, a passage will open - the block to the side of the sign and the block below that will become air for a few seconds (as indicated by the third line of the sign). Plus, if you hit the other side of the block the sign is on, the passage will open too (hence, you can keep the passage a secret by hiding the sign on the inside)!

Here's an example of a sign, and what it looks like when the passage is opened after hitting the sign:

Wizard Passage Example 1

From the other side, the Wizard Passage also works! The image below is the same wall as above, but from the other side. By clicking the other side of the block where the sign is placed (in this case, the diamond block), the passage is opened:

Wizard Passage Example 2

To make a less secretive Wizard Passage, place a [WizardPassage] sign on each side both pointing toward the same passage. When hit with a wand, both signs will activate (to prevent wizardry accidents).

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