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Analysis fixes
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* ANOVA table built and used correctly
* Influence calculated as Niccolo did
* ANOVA uses trial data instead of summary
  • Loading branch information
mjaquiery committed Jan 26, 2018
1 parent 1a36b5f commit 9ef0f67
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Showing 2 changed files with 70 additions and 102 deletions.
164 changes: 64 additions & 100 deletions AdvisorChoice/analysis/AdvisorChoice.R
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Expand Up @@ -30,8 +30,8 @@ if(!exists("getMatlabData", mode="function")) {

#acPth <- "C:/Users/mj221/Filr/My Files/Results/AdvisorChoice"
acPth <- "D:/Users/MJ/Filr/My Files/Results/AdvisorChoice"
acPth <- "C:/Users/mj221/Filr/My Files/Results/AdvisorChoice"
#acPth <- "D:/Users/MJ/Filr/My Files/Results/AdvisorChoice"

raw_study <- getMatlabData(acPth) # get some data from the path defined for convenience in mat2R

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -162,49 +162,81 @@ print('## 3) ANOVA investigating influence #####################################
# since it will come in handy for looking at influence on subsets of trials
# later. Below, we run an ANOVA using the influence data.

# TODO: change this to match Niccolo's definiton of influence/sway

print('Calculating influence on each trial')
# Calculate the influence of the advisor on each trial
trial_influence <- vector('list',length(study))
trial_influence <- data.frame(pId=integer(),
adviceType=integer(), # 1=Agree-in-confidence; 2=Agree-in-uncertainty
choiceAllowed=integer(), # F=forced; T=choice
agree=integer(), # F=disagree; T=agree
initialAnswerRight=integer(), # F=left; T=right
initialConfidenceCategory=integer(), # whether initial answer was low/med/high confidence
shift=integer(), # amount the confidence changes
influence=integer()) # amount the confidence changes in the direction of the advice
for(p in seq(length(study))) {
p_data <- data.frame('id'=integer(), 'direction'=integer(), 'influence'=integer())
trials <- study[[p]]$trials
# skip practice trials
trials <- study[[p]]$trials[which(study[[p]]$trials[,"practice"]==FALSE),]
advisorIds <- as.numeric(study[[p]]$cfg$advisor[seq(1,length(study[[p]]$cfg$advisor),6)])
advisorAdviceTypes <- as.numeric(study[[p]]$cfg$advisor[seq(2,length(study[[p]]$cfg$advisor),6)])
for(t in seq(dim(trials)[1])) {
# store the index of this trial in the master trial list
# store basic trial information
tid <- trials[t, "id"]
aT <- advisorAdviceTypes[as.numeric(trials[t,"advisorId"])]
cA <- lapply(trials[t,"choice"],mean)>1
t_data <- data.frame(pId=p,
if(is.nan(trials[[t,"advisorId"]])) {
# trials without an advisor are entered as NA
p_data <- rbind(p_data, data.frame(id=tid,direction=NA,influence=NA))
# calculate the influence of the advice
cj1 <- trials[[t,"cj1"]]+55 # rescale from [-55 55] to [0 110]
cj2 <- trials[[t,"cj2"]]+55
sway <- cj2 - cj1 # +ve values indicate increasingly right-oriented response
if((trials[[t,"agree"]] && trials[[t,"cj1"]]<0) ||
(!trials[[t,"agree"]] && trials[[t,"cj1"]]>=0)) {
# Advice was 'target is on the left' so we need to reverse the sway
sway = sway * -1
direction <- 1
t_data$shift <- NA
t_data$influence <- NA
} else {
# record the advice direction for posterity
direction <- 2
# calculate the confidence change on this trial ('shift')
# shift = Cpost - Cpre
# C-values are *-1 if answer was 'left', so
# Cpre [1,55]
# Cpost [-55,-1]U[1,55]
cj1 <- trials[[t,"cj1"]]
cj2 <- trials[[t,"cj2"]]
if(trials[[t,"cj1"]]<0) {
# initial response is 'left'
cj1 <- cj1 * -1
cj2 <- cj2 * -1
shift <- cj2 - cj1 # +ve values indicate shift towards more confidence in initial response
if((trials[[t,"agree"]])) {
# on agreement trials shift towards initial response inidicates following advice
influence <- shift
} else {
# on disagreement trials shift AWAY from initial response inidicates following advice
influence <- shift * -1
t_data$shift <- shift
t_data$influence <- influence
# for correct trials record the confidence 'step'
if(trials[[t,"cor1"]]) {
t_data$initialConfidenceCategory <- trials[t,"step"]
# save this value
t_data <- data.frame('id'=tid, 'direction'=direction, 'influence'=sway)
p_data <- rbind(p_data, t_data)
trial_influence <- rbind(trial_influence, t_data)
trial_influence[[p]] <- p_data

# 2x2x2 ANOVA investigating effects of advisor type
# (agree-in-confidence/uncertainty), choice (un/forced), and agreement
# (dis/agree) on influence. These are all within-subjects manipulations.

# First prepare the data by setting a data frame with the relevant information
# (the participant ID, the factors, and the mean influence for each of those
# factor combination).
print('Running ANOVAs')
anova_output <- aov(formula = influence ~ adviceType * choiceAllowed * agree + Error(pId), data=trial_influence)

# The bias-sharing advisor and anti-bias advisors differ in their frequency with
# which they agree with the participant as a function of participant confidence
Expand All @@ -215,76 +247,8 @@ for(p in seq(length(study))) {
# confidence balance out). This subset only includes trials on which the
# participant was CORRECT since the step information is not recorded for
# incorrect trials (where all advisors agree 30% of the time).
anova_data <- data.frame(pId=integer(),
anova_data_70 <- anova_data
advisorTypes <- c(1,2) # 1=aic, 2=aiu
choiceTypes <- c(0,1) # 0=forced, 1=unforced
agreementTypes <- c(0,1) # 0=disagree, 1=agree
for(p in seq(length(study))) {
p_data <- study[[p]]
trials <- p_data$trials
trials <- trials[which(trials[,"practice"]==FALSE),]
# the _70 variables concern only trials where participant was correct with
# middle confidence
trials_70 <- trials[which(trials[,"step"]==0),]
advisorIds <- as.numeric(p_data$cfg$advisor[seq(1,length(p_data$cfg$advisor),6)])
advisorAdviceTypes <- as.numeric(p_data$cfg$advisor[seq(2,length(p_data$cfg$advisor),6)])
# for each advisor type
for(aT in advisorTypes) {
trials_A <- trials[which(trials[,"advisorId"]==advisorIds[which(advisorAdviceTypes==aT)]),]
trials_70_A <- trials_70[which(trials_70[,"advisorId"]==advisorIds[which(advisorAdviceTypes==aT)]),]
# for each choice type
for(cT in choiceTypes) {
# using ...mean>1 here is a huge HACK. It works because the no choice is
# represented by 0. So the expected combinations (ignoring NaNs) are 1,0;
# 2,0; and 2,1 which average to .5, 1, and 1.5 respectively. Since we only
# care about the 2,1 case (a genuine choice between advisors), the hack
# works.
trials_C <- trials_A[which((as.numeric(lapply(trials_A[,"choice"],mean))>1)==cT),]
trials_70_C <- trials_70_A[which((as.numeric(lapply(trials_70_A[,"choice"],mean))>1)==cT),]
# for each agreement type
for(agT in agreementTypes) {
trials_G <- trials_C[which(trials_C[,"agree"]==agT),]
trials_70_G <- trials_70_C[which(trials_70_C[,"agree"]==agT),]
# calculate the influence and record the value
mean_influence <-
if(length(trials_70_G)==dim(trials)[2]) {
# only one entry was found for this case, so mean is just the value
mean_influence_70 <- trial_influence[[p]][which(trial_influence[[p]][,"id"]==trials_70_G["id"]),"influence"]
dim(trials_70_G) <- c(1, dim(trials)[2])
} else {
mean_influence_70 <-
r_data <- data.frame(pId=p,
r_data_70 <- data.frame(pId=p,
anova_data <- rbind(anova_data, r_data)
anova_data_70 <- rbind(anova_data_70, r_data_70)
# now we can run the anova. Let's build the model:
anova_output <- aov(formula = influence ~ adviceType * choiceAllowed * agreement + Error(pId), data=anova_data)
anova_output_70 <- aov(formula = influence ~ adviceType * choiceAllowed * agreement + Error(pId), data=anova_data_70)
trial_influence_70 <- trial_influence[which(trial_influence$initialConfidenceCategory==0),]
anova_output_70 <- aov(formula = influence ~ adviceType * choiceAllowed * agree + Error(pId), data=trial_influence_70)
print('>>(anova_output_70) Looking at only trials where intial decision was correct and made with middle confidence:')

Expand Down
8 changes: 6 additions & 2 deletions
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@@ -1,2 +1,6 @@
# Experiments on trust in feedback and feedback-free scenarios
This repository contains the scripts used to run the experiments on trust in feedback and no feedback social scenarios, as reported in my PhD thesis ( The relative papers are under review or in preparation.
# Experiments on social influence in decision-making in the absence of feedback
## Foundation
This repository is built on top of code produced by [Niccolo Pescetelli]( during his [PhD thesis](, and those original scripts can be found on [his profile]( The relative papers are under review or in preparation.

## Introduction
Previous work (see above) identified that, in the absence of objective feedback, people can use their own metacognitive information to evaluate the relative worth of advisors. Under certain circumstances this valuable heuristic approach leads to systematic errors. The code within this repository is for running MATLAB experiments to explore these errors and their consequences.

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