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mnb27 authored Jun 13, 2020
1 parent 7945f40 commit 2a4a74d
Showing 1 changed file with 324 additions and 0 deletions.
324 changes: 324 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,324 @@
# importing files
import globalss
from I_format import *
from R_format import *
from SSBU_format import *
from UJ_format import *

# fuctions
def getline():
for each in file:
return each

def ReservedWords(st):
for each in globalss.RtypeWords:
if each == st:
return 1
for each in globalss.ItypeWords:
if each == st:
return 2
for each in globalss.StypeWords:
if each == st:
return 3
for each in globalss.SBtypeWords:
if each == st:
return 4
for each in globalss.UtypeWords:
if each == st:
return 5
for each in globalss.UJtypeWords:
if each == st:
return 6
if st == '.data':
return 8
elif st == '.text':
return 7
return -1

def R_Type_MC(each):
rd = int(each[1][1:3])
rs1 = int(each[2][1:3])
rs2 = int(each[3][1:3])
if each[0] == "add":
li = add(rd, rs1, rs2)
elif each[0] == "sub":
li = sub(rd, rs1, rs2)
elif each[0] == "sll":
li = sll(rd, rs1, rs2)
elif each[0] == "slt":
li = slt(rd, rs1, rs2)
elif each[0] == "xor":
li = xoor(rd, rs1, rs2)
elif each[0] == "srl":
li = srl(rd, rs1, rs2)
elif each[0] == "sra":
li = sra(rd, rs1, rs2)
elif each[0] == "or":
li = oor(rd, rs1, rs2)
elif each[0] == "and":
li = aand(rd, rs1, rs2)
elif each[0] == "mul":
li = mul(rd, rs1, rs2)
elif each[0] == "div":
li = div(rd, rs1, rs2)
elif each[0] == "rem":
li = rem(rd, rs1, rs2)
return li

def I_Type_MC(each):
if each[0] == 'addi' or each[0] == 'ori' or each[0] == 'andi':
rd = int(each[1][1:3])
rs1 = int(each[2][1:3])
imm = int(each[3])

# for load and jalr instructions
if each[0] == 'ld' or each[0] == 'lb' or each[0] == 'lh' or each[0] == 'lw' or each[0] == 'jalr':
rd1 = int(each[1][1:3])
i = 0
imm1 = ''
while each[2][i] != '(':
imm1 = imm1 + each[2][i]
i = i + 1
i = 0
while each[2][i] != 'x':
i = i + 1
i = i + 1
rs11 = ''
while each[2][i] != ')':
rs11 = rs11 + each[2][i]
i = i + 1
rs11 = int(rs11)
imm1 = int(imm1)

if each[0] == "addi":
li = addi(rd, rs1, imm)
elif each[0] == "ori":
li = ori(rd, rs1, imm)
elif each[0] == "andi":
li = andi(rd, rs1, imm)
elif each[0] == "ld":
li = ld(rd1, rs11, imm1)
elif each[0] == "lb":
li = lw(rd1, rs11, imm1)
elif each[0] == "lh":
li = lh(rd1, rs11, imm1)
elif each[0] == "lw":
li = lw(rd1, rs11, imm1)
elif each[0] == "jalr":
li = jalr(rd1, rs11, imm1)
return li

def S_Type_MC(each):
rs2 = each[1][1:3]
i = 0
imm = ''
while each[2][i] != '(':
imm = imm + each[2][i]
i = i + 1
i = 0
while each[2][i] != 'x':
i = i + 1
i = i + 1
rs1 = ''
while each[2][i] != ')':
rs1 = rs1 + each[2][i]
i = i + 1
rs1 = int(rs1)
rs2 = int(rs2)
imm = int(imm)
if each[0] == "sb":
li = sb(rs1, rs2, imm)
elif each[0] == "sd":
li = sd(rs1, rs2, imm)
elif each[0] == "sh":
li = sh(rs1, rs2, imm)
elif each[0] == "sw":
li = sw(rs1, rs2, imm)

return li

def SB_Type_MC(each):
rs1 = int(each[1][1:3])
rs2 = int(each[2][1:3])
i = 0
imm = 0
while i < len(globalss.name_label):
if globalss.name_label[i] == str(each[3]):
# print("yass is ")
imm = int(globalss.PC_label[i]) - globalss.PC
i = i + 1
imm = int(imm)
# print('name is'+each[0])
if each[0] == "beq":
li = beq(rs1, rs2, imm)
elif each[0] == "bne":
li = bne(rs1, rs2, imm)
elif each[0] == "blt":
li = blt(rs1, rs2, imm)
elif each[0] == "bge":
li = bge(rs1, rs2, imm)
return li

def U_Type_MC(each):
if each[0] == 'auipc':
if each[2][1] == 'x' or each[2][2] == 'x': # to check if it is hex or not
li = auipc(int(each[1][1:3]), int(each[2], 16))
li = auipc(int(each[1][1:3]), each[2])
elif each[0] == 'lui':
rd = int(each[1][1:3])
imm = int(each[2])
# to check if it is hex or not
li = lui(rd, imm)
return li

def UJ_Type_MC(each):
i = 0
while i < len(globalss.name_label):
if globalss.name_label[i] == each[2]:
imm = globalss.PC_label[i]
i = i + 1
imm = imm - globalss.PC
li = jal(each[1][1:3], imm)
return li

def memoryallocation(each):
if each[1] == '.word':
i = 2
while (i < len(each)):
i = i + 1
elif each[1] == '.byte':
i = 2
while (i < len(each)):
i = i + 1
elif each[1] == '.half':
i = 2
while (i < len(each)):
i = i + 1
elif each[1] == '.dword':
i = 2
while (i < len(each)):
i = i + 1
elif each[1] == '.asciiz':
i = 2
string = ""
while i < len(each):
string = string + each[i]
string = string + " "
i = i + 1
string = string[1:len(string) - 2]
for i in string:
# we have to load the complete ascii table which is to be done later

def assign_labelled_instruction():
file = open("assembly.txt", 'r')
PC = 0
flag = 0
flag1 = 0
for each in file:
# print(each)
each = each.split()
if each[0] == '.text':
flag1 = 0
elif each[0] == '.data':
flag1 = 1
temp = ReservedWords(each[0])
if temp == -1:
if flag1 == 1:
global PC_label
global name_label
globalss.PC_label.insert(0, PC)
globalss.name_label.insert(0, each[0][0:len(each[0]) - 1])
PC = PC + 4

# main
def convert_to_machinecode():
file = open("assembly.txt", 'r')
file1 = open("machinecode.txt", 'w')
flag = 0
globalss.PC = 0

for each in file:
each = each.split();
# print(each)
# print(each)
temp = ReservedWords(each[0])
if temp == -1:
if flag == 1: # we have to allocate memory
file1.write(hex(int(globalss.PC)) + "\n")
globalss.PC = globalss.PC + 4

# it is a labeled instrution

# it is R type instrution
if temp == 1:
li = R_Type_MC(each)
elif temp == 2:
li = I_Type_MC(each)
elif temp == 3:
li = S_Type_MC(each)
elif temp == 4:
li = SB_Type_MC(each)
elif temp == 5:
li = U_Type_MC(each)
elif temp == 6:
li = UJ_Type_MC(each)
elif temp == 7:
flag = 0 # if each[0] == .text
elif temp == 8: # if each[0]
flag = 1
ans = ''
for xx in li:
ans = ans + str(xx)
li = ans
li = hex(int(li, 2)) # it contains the hex from of assembly instuction
# print(li)
file1.write(hex(int(globalss.PC)) + " " + li + "\n")

globalss.PC = globalss.PC + 4

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