This repository contains the source code for the mod-cv-plugins
- mod-cv-attenuverter
- mod-cv-clock
- mod-cv-control
- mod-cv-meter
- mod-cv-switch1
- mod-cv-switch2
- mod-cv-switch3
- mod-cv-switch4
- mod-cv-to-audio
- mod-midi-to-cv-mono
- mod-midi-to-cv-poly
- mod-cv-abs
- mod-cv-gate
- mod-cv-random
- mod-cv-range
- mod-cv-round
- mod-cv-slew
- mod-logic-operators
- mod-audio-to-cv(beta)
- mod-cv-change(beta)
The logic operators plugin uses DPF. This is included in a submodule, therefore this needs to be enabled before this plugin can be build. To enabled this, run:
$ git submodule init
$ git submodule update
Then all plugins can be build by running:
$ make
To install all plugins run:
$ make install
To build an individual plugin, do:
$ cd source/<plugin-directory>
$ make