ProMol successor's backend application.
To start the application from IntelliJ, import the project as a Maven project, and run the main(...)
entrypoint in
To start the application using Maven's CLI, run:
mvn spring-boot:run
To wipe the database, delete the generated file
at the root of the project.
This briefly summarizes all API endpoints.
HTTP Method | Endpoint | Function |
POST | /align/activesite | Aligns protein active sites with motifs |
HTTP Method | Endpoint | Function |
GET | /motifs | Get a list of motifs |
GET | /motifs/{pdbid} | Get a specific motif |
GET | /motifs/debug | TEMPORARY. Stores 4 hard-coded Motifs into the database |
HTTP Method | Endpoint | Function |
GET | /ligands/{ECNumber} | Get ligands associated with the specified EC |
HTTP Method | Endpoint | Function |
POST | /dock/dockligand | Begins AutoDock Vina job |
GET | /dock/dockligand | Retrieves binding affinities and active sites, and starts final OpenBabel conversion |
GET | /dock/retrievefile | Retrieves OpenBabel job |
GET | /dock/exportLigands | Exports ligand data to csv format |
This outlines every API's endpoints, request types, and expected request parameters or JSON payload.
Request body parameters
Parameter | Type | Function |
pdbIds | String Array | The PDB IDs of the proteins that will be aligned with each motif |
ecNumber | String | Filters the set of motifs. This can be partially-qualified ("3", ""3.4", "3.4.21", or "") |
options | String Array | NOT IMPLEMENTED. Additional options available for active site alignments |
filters | String Array | NOT IMPLEMENTED. Additional ways to filter the set of motifs |
Example JSON request
"pdbIds": ["8gch", "1ezi", "1ma0"],
"ecNumber": "",
"options": ["rmsd"],
"filters": []
Query string parameters
Parameter | Type | Function |
ecnumber | String | An optional EC number to filter the list of motifs by |
Path parameters
Parameter | Type | Function |
pdbid | String | The unique PDB ID of the motif |
Path parameters
Parameter | Type | Function |
ECNumber | String | The EC number you want ligands associated with |
Once you receive a 200 status, active site data, binding affinities and job ID, call GET /dock/retrievefile
If you would like to receive the completed docked file again, you may call the GET /dock/retrievefile
The location of the AutoDock Vina and OpenBabel deployments may be configured in the
Convert the supplied ligand and protein to pdbqt format using OpenBabel then start an AutoDock Vina job
Parameter | Type | Function |
macromolecule | File | Protein file for docking |
ligand | File | Ligand file for docking |
ligandID | String | Optional ligand ID. If ligand file is not provided, ligand ID will be used to download ligand from the PDB |
macromoleculeID | String | Optional macromolecule ID. If macromolecule file is not provided, macromolecule ID will be used to download macromolecule from the PDB |
center_x | number | Center of docking area in the x axis |
center_y | number | Center of docking area in the y axis |
center_z | number | Center of docking area in the z axis |
size_x | number | Size of docking area in the x axis |
size_y | number | Size of docking area in the y axis |
size_z | number | Size of docking area in the z axis |
Field | Type | Function |
jobId | String | ID of the AutoDock Vina job |
macromolecule | String | Name of macromolecule file |
ligand | String | Name of ligand file |
Checks the status of an AutoDock Vina job. When complete, sends docked ligand file to OpenBabel and returns a list of binding affinities and active sites.
Parameter | Type | Function |
jobId | String | ID of the AutoDock Vina job |
pdbId | String | Id of protein for determination of active sites |
Field | Type | Function |
babelJobId | String | Job ID of OpenBabel file conversion |
dockingData | array | List of binding affinities and free energy values |
activeSites | array | List of active site data for protein |
Each entry in the docking data array is in the format [model number, affinity, rmsd upper, rmsd lower]
Field | Type | Function |
residueId | number | Id of active site residue in protein |
residueChainName | String | Name of chain active site resides in |
residueAltLoc | String | Alternate location of active site residue |
Parameter | Type | Function |
babelJobId | String | ID of the OpenBabel job |
Parameter | Type | Function |
ligands | array | List of ligands to export |
Parameter | Type | Function |
name | String | name of ligand |
bindingEnergy | number | Binding energy of ligand |
modeNumber | number | Mode number of ligand |
rmsdUpper | number | Upper bound of rmsd of ligand |
rmsdLower | number | Lower bound of rmsd of ligand |