An ansible role to install and configure oauth2 proxy.
oauth2_proxy_version : "v7.1.3"
oauth2_user : "oauth2"
oauth2_dir : "/opt/oauth2_proxy"
oauth2_tmp_dir : "/opt/oauth2_proxy/tmp"
oauth2_log_dir : "/var/log/oauth2-proxy/"
oauth2_config_path : "/etc/oauth2_proxy/oauth2_config.cfg"
oauth2_init_system : "systemd" # could be `systemd`, `sysv` or `no` for no setup
# See for all options
oauth2_proxy_config :
http_address : ""
upstreams : [ "" ]
provider : "github"
email_domains : "*"
cookie_secure : false
cookie_domain : "localhost:5000"
cookie_secret : "{{ 'COOK_SECRET' | b64encode }}"
client_id : "YOUR_CLIENT_ID"
client_secret : "CLIENT_SECERET"
oauth2_config_cmdline_args : "-github-org='MYCoolORg'"
You can use the Vagrantfile for local testing, just install vagrant and virtualbox and execute the following commands.
vagrant up
vagrant provision
To test the oauth2 procedure against Github create a new OAuth application in your profile with the homepage
and callback url
. Replace client_id
and client_secret
in tests/role.yml with the provided github tokens. Open your browser at