# Helm Deploy Project 🚀
This project demonstrates deploying a Flask application using **Docker**, **Helm**, and **Kubernetes** on **Minikube**.
## 📂 Project Structure
- **`docker/`**: Contains the Flask app and Dockerfile
- **`k8s/`**: Kubernetes and Helm configuration files
- **`scripts/`**: Deployment script
## 🚀 Setup and Run
### Prerequisites
- Docker
- Minikube
- Helm
### Steps
1. Clone the project:
git clone https://github.com/mrberkyavuz/helm-deploy-project.git
cd helm-deploy-project
- Start Minikube:
minikube start
- Build the Docker image:
docker build -t myapp:1.0 ./docker
- Deploy with Helm:
helm upgrade --install myapp ./k8s/myapp -n default
- Access the service:
minikube service myapp -n default
- Flask
- Docker
- Kubernetes
- Helm
- Minikube
Run the following script to automate the steps:
Developer: mrberkyavuz
📧 Contact
Developer: Berk Yavuz
Mail: [email protected]