What's Changed
- 🎨 Extra space in the .setAuthor
- 🐛 Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'author') #8
- 📝 More spacing in the note for the DEV post
- 📝 Adding screenshots embeds to local files
- 📝 Edit logo
- 💸 Edit BMC link for sponsoring
- 🎨 .setURL(url) in the Discord embed
- ⚡ async function should have await expression
- 🎨 Improve .gitignore
- 📝 Put threadId to optional string
- 🎨 action.yml: Edit branding and version of Node.js to v20 for running file
- 🎨 Reformat of the tables, and deletion of an article link from my personal blog
- Migrate GitHub Action to Node v20 by @thomasbnt in #20
Full Changelog: v1.6.0...v1.7.0