Apex classes with invocable methods to allow Process Builder and Flows to do more stuff than what comes out of the box.

Delete (PBBDelete) Vid shortcut
Why: the thing you've always wanted to do from declarative workflow!
- pass it a record Id, and whatever that is gets deleted
- doesn't check for delete permissions or anything like that
- doesn't handle any errors that may occur
- use with caution. Your process could have users deleting themselves and crazy stuff like that.
"Manually" share records (PBBSharing) Vid shortcut
Why: you have sharing rules that are more complex than what the declarative sharing rules provide for
- pass it a record Id, a user/group id, and an optional access level and it creates the sharing
- known to support custom objects and some permutations of account (there's lots of complexity on account and I haven't tested them all)
- I didn't write a test for this one--there's not guarantee that an org will have any __c custom object that this stuff depends on.
Assign Permission Sets to Users (PBBAddPermSet) Vid shortcut
Why: You use permission sets, and assign them based on rules about the user/profile/etc. Automate that!
- pass it a permission set id and a user id, and it assigns that permission set to the user
- uses an @future method to avoid mixed DML issues
- There is a test class for this one, because every org will have PermissionSets available.
- Because I did the testing, it's all nicely bulkified
Refresh a Dashboard (PBBDashboardRefresh) Vid shortcut
Why: You want to refresh a dashboard when stuff happens, like refreshing your opportunity dashboard after someone edits an opportunity so that anyone who views it has the latest and greatest data
- Requires a remote site setup for self-calls (ex: if you're na16.salesforce.com, then there's a remote site for that)
- no error handling--fails silently if the call gets 401, 404, bad request, limits hit, etc
- does handle bulk scenarios (built in batching)
- no tests since I can't programmatically create a dashboard OR make callouts to get your actual dashboards from apex test
Give a Thanks Badge (GiveWorksThanksAction) Vid shortcut
Why: Give badges when people do something...for example, marking an opportunity closed/won that's above a certain $ amount or getting perfect scores on a customer satisfaction survey.
- Requires that work.com thanks be enabled (it's free, just turn it on in the setup menu)
- Specify the badge name, who it's from, the thanks message, and who it's to
- this creates the thanks and posts it to chatter
Why: It's hard to see what's going on in Process Builder sometimes. You just want to write a debug statement, right?
- you pass it a simple string
- you can make it "formula" so that you can log information from the objects involved
Why: When a record gets to a certain stage, you just want to lock/unlock it. You used to have to create a dummy approval process and auto-submit to achieve this.
- You MUST activate a setting to allow this (it's under Process Automation Settings in setup)
- you pass it the record Id that you want to lock
Chatter Follow Video link
Why: Some event happens, and you want people to follow a record based on some criteria.
- you pass it the recordId and the UserID of who you want to follow it
- Apex generics, so it works for any object
- it's actually smart enough to just ignore that request if Chatter isn't on, OR if that object doesn't have a chatter feed
Lead Assignment Rules re-run Video Link
Why: Some event happens, and you want to re-evaluate the lead assignment rules that usually only run on create
- you pass it the recordId of the leads that you want the rules to run for
- it runs your default (ie, the active) lead assignment rule
- If you pass it recordIds of something that's not a lead, it just ignores it