Free Responsive Admin Dashboard Template Using Bootstrap4 jQuery HTML5 CSS3.
If want to customize this Free Responsive Admin Template Using Bootstrap4, jQuery, HTML5 & CSS3. Then follow the below steps
Download Free Responsive Admin Template from
Unzip the downloaded bootstrap reponsive admin template. Now open your command terminal and go to the template folder.
Note: NodeJS must have installed in your system, I am using webpack build system for developemt. I am going release separte series of tutorials on Webpack.
Next install necessary node packages using following node commands.
npm install
Next run the follwoing command development server in your local.
npm start
To generate final build, then run the following command.
npm run prod
Note: If you want add new HTML file for devleopment using webpack build system, then create HTML file and inform Webpack build system in the webpack.config.js file like this. In the plugin section you need to add the following config.
new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
template: "your-new-html-filename.html",
filename: "your-new-html-filename.html",
inject: "body"
Once you have added this config changes, then you need to stop the development and restart again to take config changes.