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Failed to get tidal data dir

Damián Silvani edited this page Mar 25, 2020 · 1 revision

This error happens when flok-repl fails to execute ghc-pkg command to get the path of tidal data directory. Flok needs to do this to load TidalCycles' bootloading script.

Possible causes and solutions:

  • ghc-pkg command is not available (could be a $PATH problem, or maybe an old GHC)
  • The tidal package is not installed correctly

You can also bypass this by specifing the path to the bootloading script file, using the --extra parameter when running flok-repl. For example, suppose if you have Atom and the TidalCycles Atom package installed, you can use the script included. The path is usually ~/.atom/packages/tidalcycles/lib/BootTidal.hs on Linux and MacOS.

To run using this bootloading script, execute:

flok-repl -s [TOKEN] -t tidal --extra '{ "bootScript": "~/.atom/packages/tidalcycles/lib/BootTidal.hs" }'
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