Configure seek buttons, default captions on, fixes, docs, etc.
- Update readme to 0.5 3be89d2
- docs(playback-rate-button): add example page for playback rate button (#130) a94a649
- Fixes for PiP and Fullscreen (#154) e23f582
- Prevent no-auto-hide overwrites with more selective CSS overwrites (#159) 8431330
- Rename to --media-range-track-background-color (#152) ff115d7
- Fixed mute button default state (#153) 4595deb
- Use css prop background instead background-color (#151) a1fc523
- Feat/configurable seek (#150) c37d32f
- Feat/default cc enabled (#148) 18474e8
- Update readme to point to latest version 4215b5a