This repository contains HL7 FHIR STU3 compliant profiles. The FHIR profiles in this repository are based on the Dutch Clinical Building Blocks / Healthcare Information models (Dutch: Zorginformatiebouwsteen or ZIB).
At the moment, these FHIR profiles cover only the ZIBs that are part of the Basisgegevensset Zorg (BGZ).
The Dutch National ICT institute in the Netherlands (Nictiz) maintains this repository and its contents. A number core profiles contained have been developed under HL7 Netherlands responsability in cooperation with Nictiz and other parties. These profiles are marked slightly different in the name (nl-core-*), the url (*) and their publisher (HL7 Netherlands). Profiles by HL7 Netherlands are Patient, Organization, Practitioner, RelatedPerson, HealthcareService, EpisodeOfCare, Location, and datatypes Address and HumanName.