1. Clone the project
2. In root folder run "composer install"
3. In "public-dev" folder run "npm install"
4. In "public-dev" folder run "npm run build" to copy all files so backend request works,
that request goes to laravel and not to vite server. Very important for 404 errors on
backend request.
5. In "public-dev" folder run "npm run dev" to start develpment server or
"npm run build" to build the frontend in "public" folder
1. Backend: It is laravel structure but without views, in resource we only have the
email template for "forgot-password"
2. Front-end: It is in the "public-dev" folder, the structure is:
- public: All static files that will be copy on the "npm run build"
- Src: Vuejs 3 app directory with:
- assets -> assets
- components -> all vuejs components for the app
- css -> css files
- js -> js files
- plugins -> api endpoints and routes
- store -> store definition using pinia
- Login
- Logout
- Forgot password, this send an email with link for reset the password
- Reset Password with UUID
- Dashboard with datatable example
Volt theme -> https://demo.themesberg.com/volt/
Laravel 9 https://laravel.com/
PHP Framework that made easy the development
Laravel Sanctum https://laravel.com/docs/9.x/sanctum
Laravel Sanctum provides a featherweight authentication system for SPAs
(single page applications), mobile applications, and simple, token based APIs
- linmasahiro/vue3-table-lite -> https://github.com/linmasahiro/vue3-table-lite
- Fontawesome -> https://fontawesome.com/
- notyf -> https://github.com/caroso1222/notyf
- axios -> https://axios-http.com/
- and more, you can see on the package.json file
Vite https://vitejs.dev/
Development environment that allows us to see the changes we make in the frontend in real time,
among many other things.
Vuejs 3 https://vuejs.org/
Vuejs 3 Javascript Framework
1. Install laravel 9 and laravel sanctum
2. We configure sanctum as indicated in https://laravel.com/docs/9.x/sanctum#spa-authentication
3. Instead of modifying the sanctum config file, we add the SANCTUM_STATEFUL_DOMAINS variable to
the env to have greater visibility
4. We modify in the env
In SANCTUM_STATEFUL_DOMAINS we put both because Vitejs use the port 8000 for frontend
development so we ensure that both are trusted
5. We configure the file to be able to send emails, the "forgot-password" view
send an email with the link
1. Install vitejs with the command:
npm create vite@latest public-dev --template vue
2. Install vue-router with the command "npm install vue-router@4 --save"
Ahora importamos vue-router en el fichero "public-dev/src/main.ts"
3. We install fontawesome with the commands:
npm i --save @fortawesome/fontawesome-svg-core
npm i --save @fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons
npm i --save @fortawesome/free-regular-svg-icons\n
npm i --save @fortawesome/free-brands-svg-icons
npm i --save @fortawesome/vue-fontawesome@latest-3
Now we import fontawesome in the file "public-dev/src/main.ts"
4. Install axios for api requests with the command "npm install axios --save"
We import axios by creating the file "public-dev/src/plugins/api.ts" which we then
import into "/public-dev/src/main.ts"
5. We include bootstrap 5, install with command "npm install bootstrap" and import the
bootstrap css and js into "/public-dev/src/main.ts"
6. To avoid csrf token errors and unwritable cookies we are going to configure the vitejs
development environment to use the same domain as the backend.
For this we will modify the file "public-dev/vite.config.ts", all the modifications
have been commented to understand them