operator Public
Forked from grafana/k6-operatorAn operator for running distributed k6 tests.
cuprite Public
Forked from rubycdp/cupriteHeadless Chrome/Chromium driver for Capybara
Ruby MIT License UpdatedJul 14, 2023 -
nightwatch-docker-grid Public
A dockerized Selenium Grid with Nightwatch
rspec-capybara-docker-grid Public
A dockerized Selenium Grid with RSpec and Capybara
testrunner-base-ruby Public
A basic Ruby+Rspec testrunner docker image that holds common infrastructure I keep using in various projects
fuzzycd Public
Forked from DannyBen/fuzzycdChange directories with fuzzy search
rx Public
Forked from zachpendleton/rxStandard health checks for Rails and Rack applications
pry-rescue Public
Forked from ConradIrwin/pry-rescueStart a pry session whenever something goes wrong.
typhoeus Public
Forked from typhoeus/typhoeusTyphoeus wraps libcurl in order to make fast and reliable requests.
hello_docker_world Public
"Hello Docker World!" dockerized web app
wait-for-docker Public
A slim and simple docker container that uses netcat to determine whether other docker containers are ready to accept incoming connections.
airborne Public
Forked from brooklynDev/airborneRSpec driven API testing framework
watir-docker-grid Public
A dockerized Selenium Grid with RSpec and Watir
kcd-scripts Public
Forked from kentcdodds/kcd-scriptsCLI toolbox for common scripts for my projects
Team-Cognitive-Load-Assessment Public
Forked from TeamTopologies/Team-Cognitive-Load-AssessmentA template for a team cognitive load assessment. Based on some of the ideas in the book _Team Topologies_ by Matthew Skelton [@matthewskelton](https://github.com/matthewskelton) and Manuel Pais [@m…
react-fundamentals Public
Forked from epicweb-dev/react-fundamentalsMaterial for my React Fundamentals Workshop
quarantine Public
Forked from flexport/quarantineQuarantine flaky Ruby Rspec tests
rugged Public
Forked from libgit2/ruggedruby bindings to libgit2
reverse_coverage Public
Forked from nebulab/reverse_coverageA tool to find the test examples which cover a specific line (or set of lines) of a Ruby project
GuessThePrice Public
Forked from ryandens/GuessThePriceGuess The Price Skill
test_advisory_board Public
Forked from instructure/test_advisory_board -
sonarqube Public
Forked from SonarSource/sonarqubeContinuous Inspection
coughdrop Public
Forked from bcarter/coughdropOpen source web-based AAC app
sam-with-npm Public
Repo for "Package Lambda Functions The Easy Way With NPM"
aws-sam-swagger-apigateway-lambda-starter Public
Forked from mecsantos/aws-sam-swagger-apigateway-lambda-starterSwagger, API Gateway, Lambda integration using AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM)
muxy Public
Forked from mefellows/muxyChaos engineering tool for simulating real-world distributed system failures
Go MIT License UpdatedMay 10, 2018 -
pact-foundation.github.io Public
Forked from pact-foundation/pact.ioCSS MIT License UpdatedMar 1, 2018 -
pact_broker-client Public
Forked from pact-foundation/pact_broker-clientPublishes pacts to, and retrieves pacts from, the pact broker.
Ruby UpdatedOct 10, 2017