- script tool python 2.7
- script take input as option and arguments
- git clone https://github.com/jac11/script_tool.git
- chmod +x script.py
- to check all option open help menu by typing ./script.py -h or --help
- follow the help menu to use option
usage: script.py [-h] [-c] [-r] [-a] [-A] [-H] [-l] [-s] [-G] [-F] [-D]
Usage: [OPtion] [arguments] [length] [arguments] Example: -c a -l 300
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-c , --char to generate A or B..etc char Example : -c a -l 220
-r , --random to generate random pattern Example : -r r -l 200
-a , --alfa to generate AAAAtoZZZZ 32bit Example : -a x86 -l 26
-A , --alfa_64 generate AAAAAAAAtoZZZZZZZZ 64bit Example :-A x64 -l 26
-H , --Hexdecode to decode hex address Exampel: -H 0x00000000
-l , --length to give length of the pattern
-s , --L_endian to little-endian struct Example: -s 0x0876bf67
-G , --libc to grep from libc Library Example -G /bin/sh
-F , --object Select program dump Example: -F program.o -D ret
-D , --dump grep program addresses Example: -F Program -D pop
- wtih scripy.py can generate different kind of strings pattren
- option -r r to give random pattern -l to give length for the pattren
~/script_tool# ./script.py -r r -l 60
- wtih -c can generate char from a to b or any string like %
~/script_tool# ./script.py -c a -l 50
~/script_tool# ./script.py -c b -l 70
~/script_tool# ./script.py -c % -l 70
- with -a x86 or -A x64 can generate English alphabet AAAA to ZZZZ or AAAAAAAA to ZZZZZZZZ
- minimum '1' maximum '26'
~/script_tool# ./script.py -a x86 -l 26
~/script_tool# ./script.py -A x64 -l 26
- -H option to conver decode hex
- and search for offset in pattren generate by script.py
~/script_tool# ./script.py -H 0x6d7a7463
decode HEX is : ctzm
Offset Found at : 140
- with option -s can convert address to little-endian
- address will convert to array and as struct mode
~/script_tool# ./script.py -s 0x6d7a7463
little_endian is : "\x63\x74\x7a\x6d"
struck mode : struct.pack ('I', 0x6d7a7463 )
- to grep from libc library use ./script.py -G /bin/sh # -G option grep folow with the string
~/script_tool# ./script.py -G /bin/sh
grep _from _libc: 188406 /bin/sh
- to grep pop ,ret from the program use -F and - D
~/script_tool# ./script.py -F stack7 -D ret
8048383: c3 ret
8048494: c3 ret
80484c2: c3 ret
8048544: c3 ret
8048553: c3 ret
8048564: c3 ret
80485c9: c3 ret
80485cd: c3 ret
80485f9: c3 ret
8048617: c3 ret
- [email protected]
- thank you