Release 22.07.05
- Fixed: Plugin::register_plugin_hooks() -> Undefined property: stdClass::$slug.
- Fixed: Event::garbage_collector() -> Stale cache, invalid filter for comment_feed.
- Fixed: Event::garbage_collector() -> Stale cache, add filter for adjacent_post, wp_get_archives and get_comment_child_ids.
- Fixed: Tweaks::wplazyload() -> Add filter for wp_get_attachment_image_attributes.
- Fixed: WP_Object_Cache::dc_save() -> Returns false if data type is "unknown type".
- Added: Filesystem::is_wp_cache_group_queries() -> Match group for *-queries.
- Added: WP_Object_Cache::maybe_expire() -> Match group for *-queries.
Thanks to Ronny from web55.se for bug report.