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A policy-based chatbot that orchestrates software engineering workflows and runs on Kubernetes


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Isidro (Chatbot)

Isidro is an Anthos- and GKE-based microservices chatbot

Note that further unification of GKE and Anthos, via GKE Enterprise (announced at Next '23), may provide an easier way to run the full, multi-continental chatbot configuration

Isidro includes:

  • Prebuilt connectors to Slack and Mattermost for event subscription and response
  • Flexible, policy-based workflow planning
  • Layered intent classification: BERT → ngrams-based regression → non-ML NLP techniques
  • Easy delegation of build and deploy workflows to Jenkins, Cloud Build, and GitHub Actions
  • Automated execution of workflows (e.g., provisioning, deployments, and test execution)
  • Automated presentation of data (e.g., deployment metrics, performance testing results, and spam trends)
  • Well-established paths for both development and production deployments
    • DEV: 2 clusters, 2 regions, 5 zones, and a regional Cloud Spanner instance
    • PROD: 6 clusters, 6 regions, 13 zones, and a multi-regional Cloud Spanner instance
  • Security features like binary authorization, mTLS, workload identity, and network policies

Isidro Map


  1. APIs and features enabled on Google Cloud Platform:
    1. API: Anthos
    2. API: Anthos Service Mesh Certificate Authority
    3. API: Binary Authorization
    4. API: Cloud KMS
    5. API: Cloud Resource Manager
    6. API: GKE Hub
    7. API: Kubernetes Engine
    8. API: Multi Cluster Ingress
    9. API: Multi-Cluster Service Discovery
    10. API: Traffic Director
    gcloud services enable \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \
    1. Anthos Feature: Service Mesh
  2. A domain or subdomain managed through Google Cloud DNS
  3. Skaffold CLI v1.39+

System installation

While installation is possible using non-Linux clients, it's not a well-established or documented process

Provision with Terraform

Set the GOOGLE_PROJECT, API_DOMAIN, MATTERMOST_DOMAIN, and DNS_ZONE_NAME environment variables, with something like:

export GOOGLE_PROJECT=example
export DNS_ZONE_NAME="example-com"

Create a service account for provisioning the required resources:

gcloud iam roles create isidro_provisioner \
    --project=$GOOGLE_PROJECT \
gcloud iam service-accounts create isidro-provisioner \
    --display-name="Isidro Provisioner"
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $GOOGLE_PROJECT \
    --member="serviceAccount:isidro-provisioner@$" \
gcloud iam service-accounts keys create isidro-provisioner.json \
export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=$PWD/isidro-provisioner.json

Navigate to the development or production directory and run Terraform provisioning, with something like:

gcloud init
terraform init
terraform apply

Create kubecontext configurations for the provisioned clusters:

# For development setups
gcloud container clusters get-credentials isidro-us --region us-central1
gcloud container clusters get-credentials isidro-config --region northamerica-northeast1
kubectl config rename-context gke_"$GOOGLE_PROJECT"_us-central1_isidro-us isidro-us
kubectl config rename-context gke_"$GOOGLE_PROJECT"_northamerica-northeast1_isidro-config isidro-config
# For production setups
gcloud container clusters get-credentials isidro-us-ia --region us-central1
gcloud container clusters get-credentials isidro-us-sc --region us-east1
gcloud container clusters get-credentials isidro-be --region europe-west1
gcloud container clusters get-credentials isidro-nl --region europe-west4
gcloud container clusters get-credentials isidro-tw --region asia-east1
gcloud container clusters get-credentials isidro-config --region northamerica-northeast1
kubectl config rename-context gke_"$GOOGLE_PROJECT"_us-central1_isidro-us-ia isidro-us-ia
kubectl config rename-context gke_"$GOOGLE_PROJECT"_us-east1_isidro-us-sc isidro-us-sc
kubectl config rename-context gke_"$GOOGLE_PROJECT"_europe-west1_isidro-be isidro-be
kubectl config rename-context gke_"$GOOGLE_PROJECT"_europe-west4_isidro-nl isidro-nl
kubectl config rename-context gke_"$GOOGLE_PROJECT"_asia-east1_isidro-tw isidro-tw
kubectl config rename-context gke_"$GOOGLE_PROJECT"_northamerica-northeast1 isidro-config


Setup a service account for building the required artifacts:

gcloud iam service-accounts create isidro-skaffold \
    --display-name="Isidro Skaffold"
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $GOOGLE_PROJECT \
    --member="serviceAccount:isidro-skaffold@$" \
gcloud iam service-accounts keys create isidro-skaffold.json \
export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=$PWD/isidro-skaffold.json

Add helm repositories:

helm repo add mattermost
helm repo add jetstack

Development environments

Hydrate configurations:

cp skaffold.yaml
sed -i "s/GOOGLE_PROJECT/$GOOGLE_PROJECT/g" skaffold.yaml
sed -i "s/API_DOMAIN/$API_DOMAIN/g" skaffold.yaml
sed -i "s/DNS_ZONE_NAME/$DNS_ZONE_NAME/g" skaffold.yaml

Make any required skaffold.yaml configuration changes, then run skaffold:

skaffold dev

Production environments

Hydrate confiigurations:

cp skaffold.yaml
sed -i "s/GOOGLE_PROJECT/$GOOGLE_PROJECT/g" skaffold.yaml
sed -i "s/API_DOMAIN/$API_DOMAIN/g" skaffold.yaml
sed -i "s/DNS_ZONE_NAME/$DNS_ZONE_NAME/g" skaffold.yaml

Make any required skaffold.yaml configuration changes, then run skaffold:

skaffold run

To teardown:

skaffold delete


In the Terraform provisioning directory, run:

gcloud init
terraform destroy

System configuration

Slack configuration

Relevant if you are using Slack as your chat tool

Create a Slack app:

  1. Update the example Slack manifest to use your Isidro endpoint
  2. Create a Slack app using the application manifest
  3. Consider giving the app a profile picture (e.g., the Terminator)
  4. Use the verification token, under the app's "Basic Information" for Helm value slack.verificationToken
  5. Use the OAuth token, under the app's "OAuth & Permissions" for Helm value slack.oauthToken

Mattermost configuration

Relevant if you are using Mattermost as your chat tool

  1. In the System Console, under "Integrations > Bot Accounts", "Enable Bot Account Creation"
  2. In the Integrations portal, create a bot account with the name "isidro" and role "System Administrator"
    1. Consider giving the app a profile picture (e.g., the Terminator)
  3. Copy the access token to the Helm values (or Skaffold overrides) as mattermost.accessToken
  4. Add an outgoing webhook:
    1. Recommended title is "Isidro Mentions"
    2. Recommended description is "Push notification enabling the Isidro chatbot to respond to @mentions"
    3. Application type is "application/json"
    4. Trigger word is "@isidro"
    5. Callback URL is (replace with your Isidro API domain)
    6. Leave the remaining values as the defaults
  5. Copy the verification token to the Helm values (or Skaffold overrides) as mattermost.verificationToken
  6. Upgrade the Helm installation

GitHub Actions

Relevant if you are triggering GitHub Actions workflows with the chatbot

Create a personal access token, which includes repo, workflow, and packages permissions. Use the token for the Helm value deployer.github.token.


Mention @isidro in Slack messages, and get a response. Use separate message threads for separate chatbot conversations.

Test payload

curl -X POST \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{"token": "1234567890", "event": {"channel": "quality", "ts": "1234567890", "user": "me", "text": "Hello"}}'


A policy-based chatbot that orchestrates software engineering workflows and runs on Kubernetes







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