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Fanmade icons to complement Heroicons.

Heroicons are amazing, but they don't include some icons I need. I've been creating these missing icons myself so they share a similar style, size and naming scheme.

Unfortunately, I can't contribute these icons to the Heroicons repository. From the README:

We're not accepting contributions for new icons [...]. Instead we encourage you to release your own icons in your own library [...].

So I am sharing these icons in my own library as a Sidekick to the Hero.

Browse them at

List of available icons

Outline Solid Mini Micro Code Class Usage
arc-third.svg arc-third.svg arc-third.svg arc-third.svg arc-third ArcThirdIcon loading, spinner
arrow-path-clock.svg arrow-path-clock.svg arrow-path-clock.svg arrow-path-clock.svg arrow-path-clock ArrowPathClockIcon history
arrows-crossing.svg arrows-crossing.svg arrows-crossing.svg arrows-crossing.svg arrows-crossing ArrowsCrossingIcon shuffle, random
badge.svg badge.svg badge.svg badge.svg badge BadgeIcon shape
bars-3-bottom-center.svg bars-3-bottom-center.svg bars-3-bottom-center.svg bars-3-bottom-center.svg bars-3-bottom-center Bars3BottomCenterIcon text, align, justify, center
blockquote.svg blockquote.svg blockquote.svg blockquote.svg blockquote BlockquoteIcon quote
checklist.svg checklist.svg checklist.svg checklist.svg checklist ChecklistIcon todo, tasks
checklist-boxes.svg checklist-boxes.svg checklist-boxes.svg checklist-boxes.svg checklist-boxes ChecklistBoxesIcon todo, tasks
check-double.svg check-double.svg check-double.svg check-double.svg check-double CheckDoubleIcon read receipt, received
chevron-down-up.svg chevron-down-up.svg chevron-down-up.svg chevron-down-up.svg chevron-down-up ChevronDownUpIcon collapse
chevron-left-right.svg chevron-left-right.svg chevron-left-right.svg chevron-left-right.svg chevron-left-right ChevronLeftRightIcon expand
chevron-right-left.svg chevron-right-left.svg chevron-right-left.svg chevron-right-left.svg chevron-right-left ChevronRightLeftIcon collapse
circle.svg circle.svg circle.svg circle.svg circle CircleIcon shape
compass.svg compass.svg compass.svg compass.svg compass CompassIcon explore
computer-laptop.svg computer-laptop.svg computer-laptop.svg computer-laptop.svg computer-laptop ComputerLaptopIcon device, desktop
cookie.svg cookie.svg cookie.svg cookie.svg cookie CookieIcon privacy, consent, tracking
crown.svg crown.svg crown.svg crown.svg crown CrownIcon upgrade, pro, premium, subscribe
dice.svg dice.svg dice.svg dice.svg dice DiceIcon random, roll
dots-2x3.svg dots-2x3.svg dots-2x3.svg dots-2x3.svg dots-2x3 Dots2x3Icon drag, grip, handle
dots-3x2.svg dots-3x2.svg dots-3x2.svg dots-3x2.svg dots-3x2 Dots3x2Icon drag, grip, handle
face-smile-plus.svg face-smile-plus.svg face-smile-plus.svg face-smile-plus.svg face-smile-plus FaceSmilePlusIcon reaction
floppy-disk.svg floppy-disk.svg floppy-disk.svg floppy-disk.svg floppy-disk FloppyDiskIcon save
gamepad.svg gamepad.svg gamepad.svg gamepad.svg gamepad GamepadIcon play, controller
h4.svg h4.svg h4.svg h4.svg h4 H4Icon heading
h5.svg h5.svg h5.svg h5.svg h5 H5Icon heading
h6.svg h6.svg h6.svg h6.svg h6 H6Icon heading
heading.svg heading.svg heading.svg heading.svg heading HeadingIcon heading
headphones.svg headphones.svg headphones.svg headphones.svg headphones HeadphonesIcon listen, undeafen
headphones-slash.svg headphones-slash.svg headphones-slash.svg headphones-slash.svg headphones-slash HeadphonesSlashIcon deafen
indent.svg indent.svg indent.svg indent.svg indent IndentIcon indent
lettered-list.svg lettered-list.svg lettered-list.svg lettered-list.svg lettered-list LetteredListIcon ordered list
lock-semi-open.svg lock-semi-open.svg lock-semi-open.svg lock-semi-open.svg lock-semi-open LockSemiOpenIcon unlocked
mask.svg mask.svg mask.svg mask.svg mask MaskIcon privacy, security
microphone-slash.svg microphone-slash.svg microphone-slash.svg microphone-slash.svg microphone-slash MicrophoneSlashIcon mute
outdent.svg outdent.svg outdent.svg outdent.svg outdent OutdentIcon outdent
password.svg password.svg password.svg password.svg password PasswordIcon security, login
password-pencil.svg password-pencil.svg password-pencil.svg password-pencil.svg password-pencil PasswordPencilIcon edit, fill
photo-plus.svg photo-plus.svg photo-plus.svg photo-plus.svg photo-plus PhotoPlusIcon attach, upload
pilcrow.svg pilcrow.svg pilcrow.svg pilcrow.svg pilcrow PilcrowIcon paragraph, formatting
pin.svg pin.svg pin.svg pin.svg pin PinIcon pin, focus, keep
pin-slash.svg pin-slash.svg pin-slash.svg pin-slash.svg pin-slash PinSlashIcon unpin, unfocus, unkeep
quotation-mark.svg quotation-mark.svg quotation-mark.svg quotation-mark.svg quotation-mark QuotationMarkIcon quote
robot.svg robot.svg robot.svg robot.svg robot RobotIcon bot, automation, system
shield.svg shield.svg shield.svg shield.svg shield ShieldIcon security, protection
sidebar-left.svg sidebar-left.svg sidebar-left.svg sidebar-left.svg sidebar-left SidebarLeftIcon sidebar, menu
sidebar-right.svg sidebar-right.svg sidebar-right.svg sidebar-right.svg sidebar-right SidebarRightIcon sidebar, menu
square.svg square.svg square.svg square.svg square SquareIcon shape
triangle.svg triangle.svg triangle.svg triangle.svg triangle TriangleIcon shape
view-split.svg view-split.svg view-split.svg view-split.svg view-split ViewSplitIcon layout, split


These icons can be used exactly like Heroicons. You can copy the SVG source of an icon from and inline it directly into your HTML:

  viewBox="0 0 24 24"
  class="size-6 text-gray-500"
    d="M12 5a.75.75 0 0 0-.643.363L8.145 10.7 3.408 7.621a.75.75 0 0 0-1.15.74l1.5 10A.75.75 0 0 0 4.5 19h15a.75.75 0 0 0 .742-.639l1.5-10a.75.75 0 0 0-1.15-.74L15.855 10.7l-3.212-5.336A.75.75 0 0 0 12 5Z"

If you use TailwindCSS, you need to add the size-6 class to 24px icons, size-5 to 20px icons, and size-4 to 16px icons. You can also change the text color with text-gray-500 or any other color class.

Otherwise, you need to use CSS or set the width and height attributes for the size and change the color attribute for the color.


First, install @sidekickicons/react from npm:

npm install @sidekickicons/react

Now each icon can be used alongside Heroicons and imported individually as a React component:

import { CrownIcon } from '@sidekickicons/react/24/solid'
import { BeakerIcon } from '@heroicons/react/24/solid'

function MyComponent() {
  return (
      <CrownIcon className="size-6 text-blue-500" />
      <BeakerIcon className="size-6 text-green-500" />

Import the icons from their respective directory:

  • 24x24 outline: @sidekickicons/react/24/outline
  • 24x24 solid: @sidekickicons/react/24/solid
  • 20x20 solid: @sidekickicons/react/20/solid
  • 16x16 solid: @sidekickicons/react/16/solid

Icons use an upper camel case naming convention and are always suffixed with the word Icon.

Browse the full list of icon names on UNPKG →


First, install @sidekickicons/vue from npm:

npm install @sidekickicons/vue

Now each icon can be used alongside Heroicons and imported individually as a Vue component:

    <CrownIcon class="size-6 text-blue-500" />
    <BeakerIcon class="size-6 text-green-500" />

<script setup>
import { CrownIcon } from '@sidekickicons/vue/24/solid'
import { BeakerIcon } from '@heroicons/vue/24/solid'

Import the icons from their respective directory:

  • 24x24 outline: @sidekickicons/vue/24/outline
  • 24x24 solid: @sidekickicons/vue/24/solid
  • 20x20 solid: @sidekickicons/vue/20/solid
  • 16x16 solid: @sidekickicons/vue/16/solid

Icons use an upper camel case naming convention and are always suffixed with the word Icon.

Browse the full list of icon names on UNPKG →


In Rails, you can use Heroicons and Sidekickicons using Rails Icons.

First, add the gem:

bundle add rails_icons

Then, install the icons:

rails generate rails_icons:install --libraries=heroicons
rails generate rails_icons:install --libraries=sidekickicons

Now you can use the icons in your code. The default library is Heroicons and you need to specify Sidekickicons. The available variants are outline (default), solid, mini, and micro.

# Heroicons beaker icon, outline 24px
icon "beaker"
# Heroicons beaker icon, solid 24px
icon "beaker", variant: "solid"
# Sidekickicons crown icon, outline 24px
icon "crown", library: "sidekickicons"
# Sidekickicons crown icon, mini 20px
icon "crown", library: "sidekickicons", variant: "mini"


Feel free to suggest icons in an issue or create a pull request with your own icons.

I will create a better contribution guide in the future.


This library is MIT licensed.

The repository is forked from Heroicons and the tooling from there is unchanged. The license for the files from that repository is included in the HEROICONS-LICENSE file.

The icons themselves have been replaced and are not affiliated with Tailwind Labs, Inc. The license for the new icons is included in the LICENSE file.