dynamodbfaker is a versatile Python package that empowers you to effortlessly create realistic but synthetic dynamodb data for a wide range of applications. If you need to generate test data for software development, this tool simplifies the process with an intuitive schema definition in YAML format.
Schema Definition: Define your target schema using a simple YAML file. Specify the structure of your table, attribute names and fake data generation code.
Faker and Randomization: Leverage the power of the Faker library and random data generation to create authentic-looking fake data that mimics real-world scenarios.
Insert to Your Dynamodb Table: Insert generated data directly to your dynamodb table.
pip install dynamodbfaker
dynamodbfaker uses your local Aws Credentials to access Aws. You need to setup them also to access Aws.
Aws credentials are basicaly a config file under ~/.aws/credentials which contains your access key, secret key and/or tokens.
Here is how you can setup
Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qmtDRmplMG4
Aws Doc : https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/userguide/cli-configure-files.html
version: 1
locale: en_US #OPTIONAL faker locale Default:en_US
- datetime
region: us-east-1 #OPTIONAL Default:the region of the current session
credentials_profile: default #OPTIONAL the profile name in your local .aws/config file Default:default
table_name: person # MANDATORY
row_count: 10000 #OPTIONAL Default 10
batch: 10 #OPTIONAL Batch size when inserting dynamodb
sleep: 1000 #OPTIONAL Sleep time between inserts to dynamodb
- name: id #MANDATORY
data: row_id #OPTIONAL Default fake.word()
- name: first_name
data: fake.first_name()
- name: last_name
data: fake.last_name()
- name: full_name
data: first_name + " " + last_name # You can use previous attributes
- name: age
data: fake.random_int(18, 90)
- name: dob
data: fake.date_of_birth()
- name: street_address
data: fake.street_address()
- name: city
data: fake.city()
- name: state_abbr
data: fake.state_abbr()
- name: postcode
data: fake.postcode()
- name: gender
data: random.choice(["male", "female"])
null_percentage: 0.3
- name: left_handed
data: fake.pybool()
- name: height
data: None
import dynamodbfaker
# insert fake data to your dynamodb table
# insert fake data to your dynamodb table and export to target folder in json format
dynamodbfaker.to_dynamodb("test_table.yaml", "./target_folder")
# export in json format
dynamodbfaker.to_json("test_table.yaml", "./target_folder")
# you can use customer faker provider
from faker_education import SchoolProvider
dynamodbfaker.to_json("test_table.yaml", "./target_folder", fake_provider=SchoolProvider)
# multiple custom provider in list also works
You can use dynamodbfaker in your terminal for adhoc needs or shell script to automate fake data generation.
Faker custom providers and custom functions are not supported in CLI.
# insert fake data to your dynamodb table
dynamodbfaker --config test_table.yaml --to dynamodb
# insert fake data to your dynamodb table and export to target_folder in json format
dynamodbfaker --config test_table.yaml --to dynamodb --target ./target_folder
# exports to current folder in json format
dynamodbfaker --config test_table.yaml
# exports to target folder in json format
dynamodbfaker --config test_table.yaml --target ./target_folder
# exports to target file in json format
dynamodbfaker --config test_table.yaml --target ./target_folder/target_file.json
"Items": [
"id": {
"N": 1
"first_name": {
"S": "Connie"
"last_name": {
"S": "Skinner"
"full_name": {
"S": "Connie Skinner"
"age": {
"N": 89
"dob": {
"S": "1968-09-25"
"street_address": {
"S": "5939 Christopher Crescent Apt. 747"
"city": {
"S": "North Mistyside"
"state_abbr": {
"S": "HI"
"postcode": {
"S": "67235"
"gender": {
"S": "male"
"left_handed": {
"BOOL": true
"height": {
"NULL": null
"id": {
"N": 2
"first_name": {
"S": "Carla"
"last_name": {
"S": "Robles"
"age": {
"N": 54
"dob": {
"S": "1921-12-08"
"street_address": {
"S": "35264 Jones Squares"
"city": {
"S": "Michelleland"
"state_abbr": {
"S": "TX"
"postcode": {
"S": "94786"
"gender": {
"S": "female"
"left_handed": {
"BOOL": false
"height": {
"NULL": null
"Count": 2
With Dynamodb Faker, you have the flexibility to provide your own custom functions to generate column data. This advanced feature empowers developers to create custom fake data generation logic that can pull data from a database, API, file, or any other source as needed. You can also supply multiple functions in a list, allowing for even more versatility. The custom function you provide should return a single value, giving you full control over your synthetic data generation.
from dynamodbfaker import dynamodbfaker
from faker import Faker
fake = Faker()
def get_level():
return f"level {fake.random_int(1, 5)}"
dynamodbfaker.to_json("test_table.yaml", "./target_folder", custom_function=get_level)
Add get_level function to your yaml file
version: 1
locale: en_US #faker locale Default:en_US
on_update_item_error: RAISE_ERROR #RAISE_ERROR, SKIP Default:RAISE_ERROR
empty_table_first: False #True/False Default:False
region: us-east-1
credentials_profile: default #the profile name in your local .aws/config file Default:default
table_name: person
row_count: 10000
- name: id
data: row_id
- name: first_name
data: fake.first_name()
- name: last_name
data: fake.last_name()
- name: age
data: fake.random_int(18, 90)
- column_name: level
data: get_level() # custom function
- Support for Set (NS/SS/BS), List (L), Map (M) types
- Updating current items (UpdateItem Method support)
- Global Variables, Row Variables
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