Play the game by finding the matching cards. Compte to get on the leaderboard.
This project uses node.js and MySql2
First install Node.js on your computer.
Download the MySql installer on your computer
Running this App Development Mode To get started, open a new terminal and run the following:
npm install
Make sure mysql and mysql2 are installed. In the terminal run:
npm install mysql2
In the terminal run: npm start
The command npm install
will install the required dependancies for the project so you can properly utilize all functionality;
The second part, npm start
runs the server so your app can access the required database through the appropriate server files;
The server will be listening on PORT 3000. In your browser type: http://localhost:3000/
Note: The page will reload if you make edits and save!
Note: If you want to terminating processes in the terminal, press Ctrl-C