A general purpose C++23 desktop application framework.
This is a general purpose C++23 framework/library, that contains a collection of shared code from various projects I have made over the years.
The core application framework uses a mixture of code from my WIP game engine Labyrinth Engine as well as my C++20 Dear ImGui wrapper imgui-cpp.
This core framework combined with various other common bits of code and ideas, such as Rust-style Result types complete with a form of basic pattern matching and Do notation, or a runtime reflection system, provides a selection of tools to save time rewriting application boilerplate code and reusing code ideas in different places.
- Python3
- premake5 - Will be downloaded and extracted as a binary when the setup script is run if it is not found.
- glfw - Used for multi-platform windowing (built from source)
- Dear ImGui - Used for UI widgets (built from source)
- Currently only supports Windows and Linux (Ubuntu tested).
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details