CLET aims to make end-to-end testing for command-line apps as simple as possible.
- Powerful, stop writing util functions yourself.
- Simplified, every API is chainable.
- Modern, ESM first, but not leaving commonjs behind.
import { runner, KEYS } from 'clet';
it('should works with boilerplate', async () => {
await runner()
.cwd(tmpDir, { init: true })
.spawn('npm init')
.stdin(/name:/, 'example') // wait for stdout, then respond
.stdin(/version:/, new Array(9).fill(KEYS.ENTER))
.stdout(/"name": "example"/) // validate stdout
.notStderr(/npm ERR/)
.file('package.json', { name: 'example', version: '1.0.0' }) // validate file
import { runner } from 'clet';
it('should works with command-line apps', async () => {
const baseDir = path.resolve('test/fixtures/example');
await runner()
.fork('bin/cli.js', [ '--name=test' ], { execArgv: [ '--no-deprecation' ] })
.stdout('this is example bin')
.stderr(/this is a warning/);
import { runner } from 'clet';
import request from 'supertest';
it('should works with long-run apps', async () => {
await runner()
.wait('stdout', /server started/)
.expect(async () => {
// using supertest
return request('http://localhost:3000')
.query({ name: 'tz' })
.expect('hi, tz');
.kill(); // long-run server will not auto exit, so kill it manually after test
describe('test/commonjs.test.cjs', () => {
it('should support spawn', async () => {
const { runner } = await import('clet');
await runner()
.spawn('npm -v')
$ npm i --save clet
Execute a Node.js script as a child process.
it('should fork', async () => {
await runner()
.fork('example.js', [ '--name=test' ], { execArgv: [ '--no-deprecation' ] })
.stdout('this is example bin')
.stderr(/this is a warning/);
: {Number} - will kill after timeout.execArgv
: {Array} - pass to child process's execArgv, default toprocess.execArgv
: {String} - working directory, prefer to use.cwd()
instead of this.env
: {Object} - prefer to use.env()
instead of this.extendEnv
: {Boolean} - whether extendprocess.env
, default to true.- more detail:
Execute a shell script as a child process.
it('should support spawn', async () => {
await runner()
.spawn('node -v')
Change the current working directory.
Notice: it affects the relative path in
, etc.
it('support cwd()', async () => {
await runner()
Support options:
: delete and create the directory before tests.clean
: delete the directory after tests.
instead offs.rm
to prevent misoperation.
it('support cwd() with opts', async () => {
await runner()
.cwd(targetDir, { init: true, clean: true })
.file('', /# test/);
Set environment variables.
Notice: if you don't want to extend the environment variables, set
to false.
it('support env', async () => {
await runner()
.env('DEBUG', 'CLI')
.fork('./example.js', [], { extendEnv: false });
Set a timeout. Your application would receive SIGTERM
in sequent order.
it('support timeout', async () => {
await runner()
Wait for your expectations to pass. It's useful for testing long-run apps such as build tools or http servers.
: {String} - supportmessage
: {String|RegExp|Object|Function}- {String}: check whether the specified string is included
- {RegExp}: check whether it matches the specified regexp
- {Object}: check whether it partially includes the specified JSON
- {Function}: check whether it passes the specified function
Notice: don't forgot to
it('should wait', async () => {
await runner()
.wait('stdout', /server started/)
// .wait('message', { action: 'egg-ready' }) // ipc message
Kill the child process. It's useful for manually ending long-run apps after validation.
Notice: when kill, exit code may be undefined if the command doesn't hook on signal event.
it('should kill() manually after test server', async () => {
await runner()
.wait('stdout', /server started/)
Responde to a prompt input.
: {String|RegExp} - test ifstdout
includes a string or matches regexp.respond
: {String|Array} - content to respond. CLET would write each with a delay if an array is set.
You could use KEYS.UP
to respond to a prompt that has multiple choices.
import { runner, KEYS } from 'clet';
it('should support stdin respond', async () => {
await runner()
.stdin(/Name:/, 'tz')
.stdin(/Email:/, '[email protected]')
.stdin(/Gender:/, [ KEYS.DOWN + KEYS.DOWN ])
.stdout(/Author: tz <>/)
.stdout(/Gender: unknown/)
Tips: type ENTER repeatedly if needed
it('should works with boilerplate', async () => {
await runner()
.cwd(tmpDir, { init: true })
.spawn('npm init')
.stdin(/name:/, 'example')
.stdin(/version:/, new Array(9).fill(KEYS.ENTER)) // don't care about others, just enter
.stdout(/"name": "example"/)
.notStderr(/npm ERR/)
.file('package.json', { name: 'example', version: '1.0.0' })
Validate stdout, support regexp
and string.includes
it('should support stdout()', async () => {
await runner()
.spawn('node -v')
.stdout(/v\d+\.\d+\.\d+/) // regexp match
.stdout(process.version) // string includes;
The opposite of stdout()
Validate stdout, support regexp
and string.includes
it('should support stderr()', async () => {
await runner()
.stderr(/a warning/)
.stderr('this is a warning');
The opposite of stderr()
Validate child process exit code.
No need to explicitly check if the process exits successfully, use code(n)
only if you want to check other exit codes.
Notice: when a process is killed, exit code may be undefined if you don't hook on signal events.
it('should support code()', async () => {
await runner()
.spawn('node --unknown-argv')
Validate the file.
: check whether the file existsfile(filePath, 'some string')
: check whether the file content includes the specified stringfile(filePath, /some regexp/)
: checke whether the file content matches regexpfile(filePath, {})
: check whether the file content partially includes the specified JSON
it('should support file()', async () => {
await runner()
.cwd(tmpDir, { init: true })
.spawn('npm init -y')
.file('package.json', /"name":/)
.file('package.json', { name: 'example', config: { port: 8080 } });
The opposite of file()
.notFile('', 'abc')
will throw because the file is not existing.
Validate with a custom function.
it('should support expect()', async () => {
await runner()
.spawn('node -v')
.expect(ctx => {
const { assert, result } = ctx;
assert.match(result.stdout, /v\d+\.\d+\.\d+/);
Print log for debugging. key
supports dot path such as result.stdout
it('should support log()', async () => {
await runner()
.spawn('node -v')
.log('result: %j', 'result')
Tap a method to the chain sequence.
it('should support tap()', async () => {
await runner()
.spawn('node -v')
.tap(async ({ result, assert}) => {
assert(result.stdout, /v\d+\.\d+\.\d+/);
it('should support sleep()', async () => {
await runner()
Run a shell script. For example, run npm install
after boilerplate init.
it('should support shell', async () => {
await runner()
.cwd(tmpDir, { init: true })
.spawn('npm init -y')
.file('package.json', { name: 'shell', version: '1.0.0' })
.shell('npm version minor --no-git-tag-version', { reject: false })
.file('package.json', { version: '1.1.0' });
The output log could validate by stdout()
and stderr()
by default, if you don't want this, just pass { collectLog: false }
Act like mkdir -p
it('should support mkdir', async () => {
await runner()
.cwd(tmpDir, { init: true })
.spawn('npm -v');
Move a file or a folder to trash (instead of permanently delete it). It doesn't throw if the file or the folder doesn't exist.
it('should support rm', async () => {
await runner()
.cwd(tmpDir, { init: true })
.spawn('npm -v');
Write content to a file, support JSON and PlainText.
it('should support writeFile', async () => {
await runner()
.cwd(tmpDir, { init: true })
.writeFile('test.json', { name: 'writeFile' })
.writeFile('', 'this is a test')
.file('test.json', /"name": "writeFile"/)
.file('', /this is a test/)
.spawn('npm -v');
* @typedef Context
* @property {Object} result - child process execute result
* @property {String} result.stdout - child process stdout
* @property {String} result.stderr - child process stderr
* @property {Number} result.code - child process exit code
* @property {execa.ExecaChildProcess} proc - child process instance
* @property {TestRunner} instance - runner instance
* @property {String} cwd - child process current workspace directory
* @property {Object} assert - assert helper
* @property {Object} utils - utils helper
* @property {Object} logger - built-in logger
Extend Node.js built-in assert
with some powerful assertions.
* assert `actual` matches `expected`
* - when `expected` is regexp, assert by `RegExp.test`
* - when `expected` is json, assert by `lodash.isMatch`
* - when `expected` is string, assert by `String.includes`
* @param {String|Object} actual - actual string
* @param {String|RegExp|Object} expected - rule to validate
function matchRule(actual, expected) {}
* assert `actual` does not match `expected`
* - when `expected` is regexp, assert by `RegExp.test`
* - when `expected` is json, assert by `lodash.isMatch`
* - when `expected` is string, assert by `String.includes`
* @param {String|Object} actual - actual string
* @param {String|RegExp|Object} expected - rule to validate
function doesNotMatchRule(actual, expected) {}
* validate file
* - `matchFile('/path/to/file')`: check whether the file exists
* - `matchFile('/path/to/file', /\w+/)`: check whether the file content matches regexp
* - `matchFile('/path/to/file', 'usage')`: check whether the file content includes the specified string
* - `matchFile('/path/to/file', { version: '1.0.0' })`: checke whether the file content partially includes the specified JSON
* @param {String} filePath - target path to validate, could be relative path
* @param {String|RegExp|Object} [expected] - rule to validate
* @throws {AssertionError}
async function matchFile(filePath, expected) {}
* validate file with opposite rule
* - `doesNotMatchFile('/path/to/file')`: check whether the file exists
* - `doesNotMatchFile('/path/to/file', /\w+/)`: check whether the file content does not match regex
* - `doesNotMatchFile('/path/to/file', 'usage')`: check whether the file content does not include the specified string
* - `doesNotMatchFile('/path/to/file', { version: '1.0.0' })`: checke whether the file content does not partially include the specified JSON
* @param {String} filePath - target path to validate, could be relative path
* @param {String|RegExp|Object} [expected] - rule to validate
* @throws {AssertionError}
async function doesNotMatchFile(filePath, expected) {}
Set level of logger.
import { runner, LogLevel } from 'clet';
it('should debug(level)', async () => {
await runner()
// .debug('DEBUG')
.spawn('npm -v');
Middleware, always run before child process chains.
// middleware.pre -> before -> fork -> running -> after -> end -> -> cleanup
it('should support middleware', async () => {
await runner()
.use(async (ctx, next) => {
// pre
await utils.rm(dir);
await utils.mkdir(dir);
await next();
// post
await utils.rm(dir);
.spawn('npm -v');
Register your custom APIs.
it('should register(fn)', async () => {
await runner()
.register(({ ctx }) => {
ctx.cache = {};
cache = function(key, value) {
this.ctx.cache[key] = value;
return this;
.cache('a', 'b')
.tap(ctx => {
.spawn('node', [ '-v' ]);
Help Wanted
- when answer prompt with
, stdout will recieve duplicate output. - when print child error log with
, the log order maybe in disorder.