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III. HEIF Reader API and Usage Examples
Nokia Technologies edited this page Mar 15, 2018
5 revisions
HEIF Reader API is designed to reflect the flexibility of the file format. It provides mechanisms to query the file properties and retrieve images, samples, related initialization and metadata based on these properties.
Reader API is located here: https://github.com/nokiatech/heif/tree/master/srcs/api/reader in source tree.
Here are some examples to demonstrate usage of the Reader API. Because of flexibility of the file format and the reader API, a lot of freedom is given to the player implementation. These simple examples make several assumptions about input files.
Examples use HEIF conformance files as input. Please download them from: https://github.com/nokiatech/heif_conformance/
void example1()
auto* reader = Reader::Create();
// Input file available from https://github.com/nokiatech/heif_conformance
FileInformation info;
// Find the item ID
ImageId itemId;
uint64_t memoryBufferSize = 1024 * 1024;
char* memoryBuffer = new char[memoryBufferSize];
reader->getItemDataWithDecoderParameters(itemId, memoryBuffer, memoryBufferSize);
// Feed 'data' to decoder and display the cover image...
delete[] memoryBuffer;
void example2()
Array<ImageId> itemIds;
uint64_t itemSize = 1024 * 1024;
char* itemData = new char[itemSize];
auto* reader = Reader::Create();
// Input file available from https://github.com/nokiatech/heif_conformance
FileInformation info;
if (reader->getFileInformation(info) != ErrorCode::OK)
// handle error here...
delete[] itemData;
// Verify that the file has one or several images in the MetaBox
if (!(info.features & FileFeatureEnum::HasSingleImage ||
info.features & FileFeatureEnum::HasImageCollection))
delete[] itemData;
// Find the item ID of the first master image
const ImageId masterId = itemIds[0];
const auto metaBoxFeatures = info.rootMetaBoxInformation.features; // For convenience
if (metaBoxFeatures & MetaBoxFeatureEnum::HasThumbnails)
// Thumbnail references ('thmb') are from the thumbnail image to the master image
reader->getReferencedToItemListByType(masterId, "thmb", itemIds);
const auto thumbnailId = itemIds[0];
if (reader->getItemDataWithDecoderParameters(thumbnailId.get(), itemData, itemSize) == ErrorCode::OK)
// ...decode data and display the image, show master image later
// There was no thumbnail, show just the master image
if (reader->getItemDataWithDecoderParameters(masterId.get(), itemData, itemSize) == ErrorCode::OK)
// ...decode and display...
delete[] itemData;
void example3()
auto* reader = Reader::Create();
typedef ImageId MasterItemId;
typedef ImageId ThumbnailItemId;
Array<ImageId> itemIds;
map<MasterItemId, ThumbnailItemId> imageMap;
// Input file available from https://github.com/nokiatech/heif_conformance
FileInformation info;
// Find item IDs of master images
// Find thumbnails for each master. There can be several thumbnails for one master image, get narrowest ones here.
for (const auto masterId : itemIds)
// Thumbnail references ('thmb') are from the thumbnail image to the master image
Array<ImageId> thumbIds;
reader->getReferencedToItemListByType(masterId, "thmb", thumbIds);
const ImageId thumbId = *std::min_element(thumbIds.begin(), thumbIds.end(),
[&](ImageId a, ImageId b) {
uint32_t widthA, widthB;
reader->getWidth(a, widthA);
reader->getWidth(b, widthB);
return (widthA < widthB);
imageMap[masterId] = thumbId;
// We have now item IDs of thumbnails and master images. Decode and show them from imageMap as wanted.
void example4()
auto* reader = Reader::Create();
Array<ImageId> itemIds;
// Input file available from https://github.com/nokiatech/heif_conformance
FileInformation info;
// Find item IDs of 'iden' (identity transformation) type derived images
reader->getItemListByType("iden", itemIds);
const auto itemId = itemIds[0]; // For demo purposes, assume there was one 'iden' item
// 'dimg' item reference points from the 'iden' derived item to the input(s) of the derivation
Array<ImageId> referencedImages;
reader->getReferencedFromItemListByType(itemId, "dimg", referencedImages);
const ImageId sourceItemId = referencedImages[0]; // For demo purposes, assume there was one
// Get 'iden' item properties to find out what kind of derivation it is
Array<ItemPropertyInfo> propertyInfos;
reader->getItemProperties(itemId, propertyInfos);
unsigned int rotation = 0;
for (const auto& property : propertyInfos)
// For example, handle 'irot' transformational property is anti-clockwise rotation
if (property.type == ItemPropertyType::IROT)
// Get property struct by index to access rotation angle
Rotate irot;
reader->getProperty(property.index, irot);
rotation = irot.angle;
break; // Assume only one property
cout << "To render derived image item ID " << itemId << ":" << endl;
cout << "-retrieve data for source image item ID " << sourceItemId << endl;
cout << "-rotating image " << rotation << " degrees." << endl;
void example5()
auto* reader = Reader::Create();
Array<uint32_t> itemIds;
// Input file available from https://github.com/nokiatech/heif_conformance
FileInformation info;
// Print information for every track read
for (const auto& trackProperties : info.trackInformation)
const auto sequenceId = trackProperties.trackId;
cout << "Track ID " << sequenceId << endl; // Context ID corresponds to the track ID
if (trackProperties.features & TrackFeatureEnum::IsMasterImageSequence)
cout << "This is a master image sequence." << endl;
if (trackProperties.features & TrackFeatureEnum::IsThumbnailImageSequence)
// Assume there is only one type track reference, so check reference type and master track ID(s) from the first one.
const auto tref = trackProperties.referenceTrackIds[0];
cout << "Track reference type is '" << tref.type.value << "'" << endl;
cout << "This is a thumbnail track for track ID ";
for (const auto masterTrackId : tref.trackIds)
cout << masterTrackId << endl;
Array<TimestampIDPair> timestamps;
reader->getItemTimestamps(sequenceId, timestamps);
cout << "Sample timestamps:" << endl;
for (const auto& timestamp : timestamps)
cout << " Timestamp=" << timestamp.timeStamp << "ms, sample ID=" << timestamp.itemId << endl;
for (const auto& sampleProperties : trackProperties.sampleProperties)
// A sample might have decoding dependencies. The simplest way to handle this is just to always ask and
// decode all dependencies.
Array<SequenceImageId> itemsToDecode;
reader->getDecodeDependencies(sequenceId, sampleProperties.sampleId, itemsToDecode);
for (auto dependencyId : itemsToDecode)
uint64_t size = 1024 * 1024;
char* sampleData = new char[size];
reader->getItemDataWithDecoderParameters(sequenceId, dependencyId, sampleData, size);
// Feed data to decoder...
delete[] sampleData;
// Store or show the image...
void example6()
auto* reader = Reader::Create();
Array<uint32_t> itemIds;
// Input file available from https://github.com/nokiatech/heif_conformance
FileInformation info;
SequenceId trackId = 0;
if (info.trackInformation.size > 0)
const auto& trackInfo = info.trackInformation[0];
trackId = trackInfo.trackId;
if (trackInfo.features & TrackFeatureEnum::HasAlternatives)
const SequenceId alternativeTrackId = trackInfo.alternateTrackIds[0]; // Take the first alternative
uint32_t alternativeWidth;
reader->getDisplayWidth(alternativeTrackId, alternativeWidth);
uint32_t trackWidth;
reader->getDisplayWidth(trackId, trackWidth);
if (trackWidth > alternativeWidth)
cout << "The alternative track has wider display width, let's use it from now on..." << endl;
trackId = alternativeTrackId;
void example8()
auto* reader = Reader::Create();
// Try opening a file with an "Exif" item.
// The file is available from https://github.com/nokiatech/heif_conformance
if (reader->initialize("C034.heic") != ErrorCode::OK)
FileInformation fileInfo{};
// Find the primary item ID.
ImageId primaryItemId;
// Find item(s) referencing to the primary item with "cdsc" (content describes) item reference.
Array<ImageId> metadataIds;
reader->getReferencedToItemListByType(primaryItemId, "cdsc", metadataIds);
ImageId exifItemId = metadataIds[0];
// Optional: verify the item ID we got is really of "Exif" type.
FourCC itemType;
reader->getItemType(exifItemId, itemType);
if (itemType != "Exif")
// Get item size from parsed information. For simplicity, assume it is the first and only non-image item in the file.
if (fileInfo.rootMetaBoxInformation.itemInformations[0].itemId != exifItemId)
auto itemSize = fileInfo.rootMetaBoxInformation.itemInformations[0].size;
// Request item data.
char* memoryBuffer = new char[itemSize];
reader->getItemData(metadataIds[0], memoryBuffer, itemSize);
// Write Exif item data to a file.
// Note this data does not contain Exif payload only. The payload is preceded by 4-byte exif_tiff_header_offset field
// as defined by class ExifDataBlock() in ISO/IEC 23008-12:2017.
ofstream file("exifdata.bin", ios::out | ios::binary);
file.write(memoryBuffer, static_cast<std::streamsize>(itemSize));
delete[] memoryBuffer;