Major Features
- GitHub Action Workflow on pull request creates temporary environment and deploys mkdocs for review. Environment is destroyed when pull request is closed
- GitHub Action Workflow to manually deploy a specific tag to the development or production environment
- Terraform infrastructure to create simple static site S3 buckets for development and production environments
- Terraform infrastructure to create S3 bucket for storing CICD artifacts
- Terraform infrastructure to create OpenID Connect IAM roles for GitHub Workflows
this version uses github action workflows with github environment specific permissions.
github environments are not available for free to private repositories.
What's Changed
- Initial by @ntno in #1
- GitHub workflows by @ntno in #2
- deployed demo infra to factually-settled-boxer by @ntno in #4
- update to use cicd infra and OIDC credentials by @ntno in #3
- Add release flow by @ntno in #5
- wip - manual release by tag by @ntno in #8
- Create separate dev environment by @ntno in #9
- refactor deploy workflow by @ntno in #11
- Refactor deploy workflows by @ntno in #12
New Contributors
Full Changelog: https://github.com/ntno/mkdocs-demo/commits/1.0.0