This is an original and exploring demo to analyze the Threat activity across the public blockchains. Here we focus on on chain realtime threat activity matching and off chain threat intelligence data mining. We will provide simple demo code to illustrate how to match these activities patterns, and also figure out what the challenges we usually encounter.
In the cyberspace, We just like in the game "Red Alert," the map is shrouded in a lot of fog, allowing us to see only
certain local areas. The connections between these areas are not clear. In the blockchain world, it is also not a trivial
to figure out the relationship between protocol, cex, dex, and the wallet address, and the multi public blockchains which
previous stuff based on.
- pre attack
Here we can generate Threat intelligence.
- attacking
It is easy to find a short path pattern to detect the attack.Maybe before or after a successful attack
- post attack
In the post stage, we are busy to response the attack,and explore the previous short path pattern alert and initial threat intelligence.
One shot signal One shot signal is a no ordinary event, it is a little suspicious event, but it is not enough to trigger the alert.
Behavior signal Behavior signal represented a series of events, but it is also not enough to trigger the alert. Behavior signal maybe generated by some statistical methods, like the frequency, etc.
All these two types of signals are not enough to trigger the alert, but they are the basic building blocks of the alert. These signals will be thought of as the input of the complex event processing. Do the pattern matching and trigger the alert.
Utilize the CEP to analyze the event sequence and match the pattern. We also could use other techniques to achieve this like:
- lag or lead function provided by Flink SQL
- Multi self table join I have done it in Dune Sql.
- Native flink stream api like
However, CEP also provide the same feature, and it is more flexible and programmable.
Head and End address similar Phishing scam
I also write DUNE query to detect this case