Welcome to the landing page of Opaque SQL! Opaque SQL is a package for Apache Spark SQL that enables processing over encrypted DataFrames using the OpenEnclave framework.
To quickly get started with Opaque SQL, you can download our Docker image (also includes other open source projects in the MC2 project).
docker pull mc2project/mc2
docker run -it -p 22:22 -p 50051-50055:50051-50055 -w /root mc2project/mc2
Change into the Opaque directory and export the Opaque and OpenEnclave environment variables.
cd opaque
source opaqueenv
source /opt/openenclave/share/openenclave/openenclaverc
You are now ready to run your first Opaque SQL query! First, start a Scala shell:
build/sbt console
Next, import Opaque's DataFrame methods:
import edu.berkeley.cs.rise.opaque.implicits._
To convert an existing DataFrame into an Opaque encrypted DataFrame, simply call .encrypted
val data = Seq(("foo", 4), ("bar", 1), ("baz", 5))
val df = spark.createDataFrame(data).toDF("word", "count")
val dfEncrypted = df.encrypted
You can use the same Spark SQL API to query the encrypted DataFrame:
val result = dfEncrypted.filter($"count" > lit(3))
// [...]
// == Optimized Logical Plan ==
// EncryptedFilter (count#6 > 3)
// +- EncryptedLocalRelation [word#5, count#6]
// [...]
Congrats, you've run your first encrypted query using Opaque SQL!
For more details on building, using, and contributing, please see our documentation.
The open source is based on our NSDI 2017 paper.