A store selling various food and grocery products using the self-service method.
1. Download and install NodeJs
2. Download and install VS Code
3. download and install typescript
npm install -g typescript
4. install Angular12
npm i -g @angular/cli
5. download and install MongoDB and import the database
mongodb documentation explaining how to import database
mongodb documentation explaining how to import database
1.clone repo from github cli
gh repo clone odaiwa/SuperMarket-System
2. navigate to Backend
cd Backend
2.1 open cmd and run the following command :
npm i
node app
3. navigate to Frontend
cd Frontend
3.1 open cmd and run the following command :
npm i
npm start
don't forget to star the project ( ͡ ͡° ͜ ʖ ͡ ͡°) \╭☞ ⭐