This is an example of how to configure and deploy a development environment that includes polyglot microservices, an AWS SQS queue, and an S3 bucket. The AWS infrastructure is deployed using LocalStack to keep things simple.
- Okteto CLI 2.23 or newer
- An Okteto account (Sign-up for 30 day, self-hosted free trial) Once this is configured, anyone with access to your Okteto instance will be able to deploy an development environment automatically, including the required cloud infrastructure.
$ git clone
$ cd external-resources-tf-localstack
$ okteto context use $OKTETO_URL
$ okteto deploy
$ okteto up menu
$ okteto up kitchen
$ okteto up check
This isn't an example of a properly architected perfectly designed distributed app... it's a simple example of the various types of pieces and languages you might see (queues, persistent data, etc), and how to deal with them in Okteto.
Happy coding!