This project was my first experience of MERN stack and Chakra UI. I learned a lot while doing it and had a lot of fun. I learned about Express, Node.js and MongoDB. I'll build better projects as soon as possible.
Package (Frontend) | Version |
axios | ^0.21.4 |
@chakra-ui/icons | ^1.0.15 |
@chakra-ui/modal | ^1.9.1 |
@chakra-ui/react | ^1.6.9 |
eslint | ^7.32.0 |
moment | ^2.29.1 |
prettier | ^2.4.1 |
react-copy-to-clipboard | ^5.0.4 |
react-file-base64 | ^1.0.3 |
react-hook-form | ^6.13.1 |
react-redux | ^7.2.2 |
react-toastify | ^5.1.0 |
redux | ^4.0.5 |
redux-thunk | ^2.3.0 |
Package (Backend) | Version |
cors | ^2.8.5 |
dotenv | ^10.0.0 |
express | ^4.17.1 |
mongoose | ^6.0.9 |