Releases: opentelekomcloud/docs-next
Releases · opentelekomcloud/docs-next
What's Changed
- update packages and docusaurus by @akyriako in #188
- renamed stylesheet file for callout component by @akyriako in #192
- compacted services service map with accordion by @akyriako in #194
- new results-list design by @akyriako in #198
- added image zooming functionality by @akyriako in #200
- fix: migrated the article by @MJZLOTR in #205
- add powershell and shell as additional languages to docusaurus config by @Richie1710 in #206
- kafka best practices by @akyriako in #203
- added version as scale-tag in FooterCopyright by @akyriako in #207
- corrected gaussdb nosql callout link by @akyriako in #209
- remote ollama dev environment by @akyriako in #195
New Contributors
- @Richie1710 made their first contribution in #206
Full Changelog: v0.0.5...v0.0.6
What's Changed
- fix: added changes requested by @MJZLOTR in #179
- fix: resolve service callout links with useBaseUrl hook by @MJZLOTR in #145
- article transferred by @MJZLOTR in #99
- 180 content cleanup part-2 by @akyriako in #182
- 85 selectively exposing cce workloads with a dedicated gateway by @akyriako in #186
Full Changelog: v0.0.4...v0.0.5
What's Changed
- 161 cross repo helm update workflow by @akyriako in #162
- removed crossplane content #160 by @akyriako in #164
- 116 clean up content & tags by @akyriako in #165
- replaced sed delimeter #168 by @akyriako in #169
- Update build-publish-staging.yaml by @akyriako in #170
- Replacing otc-zuul app-id token with temporary otcbot token by @otcbot in #171
- change token at checkout too by @vladimirvshivkov in #172
- added update-helm-charts job in production wf by @akyriako in #174
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v0.0.1...v0.0.2
What's Changed
- 2 telekom scale navbar by @akyriako in #3
- 2 telekom scale navbar by @akyriako in #4
- Create build workflow by @akyriako in #5
- Refine workflow by @akyriako in #6
- Refine workflow by @akyriako in #7
- Refine workflow by @akyriako in #8
- Kubernetes logging with loki by @akyriako in #10
- first conversion drop by @akyriako in #11
- edit picture by @akyriako in #12
- added auto-scaling-based-on-elb-monitoring-metrics by @akyriako in #13
- added cicd-jenkins-swr-cce by @akyriako in #14
- added ci-jenkins-swr-cce by @akyriako in #15
- added migrating-container-images by @akyriako in #16
- added migrating-from-other_clouds-to-cce by @akyriako in #17
- updated kubernetes-logging-with-loki by @akyriako in #18
- added distributed-cache-service by @akyriako in #19
- added migrating-kafka-services by @akyriako in #21
- added document-database-service (scaffold) by @akyriako in #22
- Fix dark mode by @MJZLOTR in #25
- 24 fix dark mode by @akyriako in #26
- 27 add devcontainer by @akyriako in #28
- Hua content migration by @akyriako in #49
- Zone redundant nfs by @akyriako in #50
- 54 blueprint devtron by @akyriako in #55
- added prerequisites apt installation by @akyriako in #58
- Hua content migration by @akyriako in #70
- 46 migrate articles to markdown w2 by @akyriako in #71
- 52 integrate with umami by @akyriako in #74
- added explicit UMAMI_DATAHOST_URL in config.ts and vars #52 by @akyriako in #75
- updated umami with tls in argocd and helm chart #52 by @akyriako in #76
- added umami vars for development environment (crashing dev server) by @akyriako in #91
- 80 Deploy Umami on OTC by @akyriako in #94
- 93 how to use acme dns01 solver webhook for open telekom cloud dns by @akyriako in #95
- feat: add Authentik by @MJZLOTR in #72
- fix: remove public organizational membership #29 by @MJZLOTR in #98
- 97 short live environments for pr reviews by @akyriako in #101
- Fix workflows #97 by @akyriako in #102
- feat: transformed by @MJZLOTR in #100
- 46 migrate articles to markdown w2 by @k11mmy in #104
- 103 GitHub environments variables secrets by @akyriako in #105
- added blueprint, extracted from keycloak article #109 by @akyriako in #110
- Scale Cards for Features by @akyriako in #111
- 46 migrate articles to markdown w2 by @akyriako in #114
- Revamped Landing Page by @akyriako in #115
- Check: Container Image Building Workflow by @akyriako in #126
- Check: Replaced Docker Hub with by @akyriako in #127
- Check: Build after fixing interpolation issues by @akyriako in #128
- Check: cross org helm updates in release wf by @akyriako in #129
- Check: split registry from account name in image build by @akyriako in #130
- Fix color scheme to brand design by @SebastianGode in #134
- Dark Mode flickering fix by @SebastianGode in #141
- adding ac-content-reviewer team as approvers for docs by @vladimirhasko in #150
- docs-next checkjob by @vladimirvshivkov in #154
- Fix margins on contribute and Ask a Question by @SebastianGode in #155
- 157 preflight checks build images workflows by @akyriako in #159
- added success stories from product site #117 by @akyriako in #144
New Contributors
- @akyriako made their first contribution in #3
- @MJZLOTR made their first contribution in #25
- @k11mmy made their first contribution in #104
- @SebastianGode made their first contribution in #134
- @vladimirhasko made their first contribution in #150
- @vladimirvshivkov made their first contribution in #154
Full Changelog: