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10 repositories
Public- Collects and processes citizen requests about traffic conditions in Munich. Sammelt und verarbeitet Bürgeranfragen zur Verkehrssituation in München.
PublicRepository for advanced traffic forecasting models integrating GCN, LSTM/Bi-LSTM, and attention mechanisms for improved accuracy, including weather data processing.- Creating an Adjacency Matrix Using the Dijkstra Algorithm for Graph Convolutional Networks GCNs
Public- Calculating the nearest weather sensor for each traffic sensor and then merging the weather sensors' temporal data with the traffic sensors'.
- Dijkstra adjacency distance matrices were calculated for 40 cities from traffic sensor locations provide by UTD19
- Plotting the Optimal Route in Python for Data Scientists using the Dijkstra Algorithm
- Plotting a Macroscopic Fundamental Diagram for Data Scientists in Python for Traffic Flow in Congested Conditions