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42 repositories
Public- This project contains Examples for the Magic Leap Unity SDK and has been configured so developers can start developing for the Magic Leap platform quickly.
- Magic Leap Unity Developer SDK
- SuperGlue: Learning Feature Matching with Graph Neural Networks (CVPR 2020, Oral)
- This repository contains an example project demonstrating how to use Photon Fusion to create a colocation application for the Magic Leap 2. This project provides a simple multiuser and colocation application using Photon Fusion. The example is designed to work with the Magic Leap 2 and demonstrates the basics of creating a shared AR experience.
Public- Unity Project that demonstrates how to implement WebRTC functionality in Unity to stream a Render Texture between a Magic Leap 2 device and a PC. This simplified example serves as a starting point for developers who are migrating from the legacy MLWebRTC APIs.
- The Configurator is a Unity-based augmented reality project tailored for Magic Leap 2 devices. It serves as a comprehensive guide for developers, demonstrating the integration of Magic Leap 2 features and MRTK3 for interactive object manipulation and user interface design within Unity.
- Sample Android Plugin for Unity to use Wi-Fi Direct Service Discovery. This project is an Android app harness written in Java and the plugin is an Android Activity contained in a Java Module.
Public- Shared Experience sample app that uses a Wi-Fi Direct Service Discovery Android native Unity plug-in.
Public archivePrismatic is a declarative JS library for creating 3D content for the Helio browser.tfmodules
Public archive- PyTorch pre-trained model for real-time interest point detection, description, and sparse tracking (