Changes with 0.87.0
- Update osbuild dependency commit ID to latest (#932)
- Author: SchutzBot, Reviewers: Achilleas Koutsou
- [RHEL-9] Drop RHSM and RHUI-specific config from Azure and EC2 images (COMPOSER-2308) (#857)
- Author: Tomáš Hozza, Reviewers: Gianluca Zuccarelli, Ondřej Budai
- blueprint: remove the sshkey customization (#928)
- Author: Achilleas Koutsou, Reviewers: Sanne Raymaekers
- github: don't fail fast on Fedora unit tests (#933)
- Author: Achilleas Koutsou, Reviewers: Michael Vogt
- otk-gen-partition-table: support EFI system on DOS partitions (#934)
- Author: Michael Vogt, Reviewers: Achilleas Koutsou, Simon de Vlieger
— Somewhere on the Internet, 2024-09-17