a 1d modulation source build using max/msp/jitter's jit.bfg object
this is basically just a regular old LFO that uses a signal derived from basis functions instead of a standard periodic waveform like sine or a triangle.
the result is a whole variety of undulating signals that are not totally random (like noise) but also not totally predictable (like sines, triangles, etc)
to learn more about basis functions and how they are used, see daniel shiffman's videos on Perlin noise.
- bfg-lfo.maxpat main patch that you can use as a bpatcher. outputs two modulation signals
- bfg-lfo-live.amxd max for live version
- other .maxpat files abstractions used inside of the first two
- bfg-lfo.maxhelp help patcher showing off what bfg-lfo.maxpat does