It should at least work until the following commits
- rustc 1.62.0-nightly (ecd44958e 2022-05-10)
- Polkadot release-v0.9.38
- Cumulus polkadot-v0.9.38
- Substrate polkadot-v0.9.38
- Implement MultiAssetsHandler with
Native Currency
,Local assets
andOther assets
which defined on your parachain. - Establish HRMP channels between zenlink registered parachains.
Zenlink Protocol
mainly consists of two parts: assets and asset operations,
namely Zenlink Assets
and Zenlink Actions
Through the UAI
(unified asset identifier) and MultiAssetsHandler
can perform Swap
and Transfer By XCM
any asset on the chain.
- Based on the
XCM design - Based on
Polkadot XCMP cross-chain asset processing- Zenlink Protocol registration whitelist-XCM
trust collection management
- Through Transfer-By-XCM,
assets can flow freely
between parachains - ZenlinkMultiAssets adapter comes with
asset processing, which canadapt to various native assets such as NATIVE/LOCAL/RESERVE
- Provide LocalAssetHandler, OtherAssetHandler and other traits to
support locally defined assets such as LOCAL and RESERVE
- Under the control of MultiAssetsHandler,
assets can swap freely
- UAI v0.1.0 definition
pub struct AssetId {
pub chain_id: u32, // ParaId
pub asset_type: u8, // Asset types supported by Zenlink Assets
pub asset_index: u32, // the index number of the asset
- UAI v0.1.0 asset type
currently only supports the following values:
/// Native currency, the most basic asset on each parachain
pub const NATIVE: u8 = 0;
/// Swap module asset, LP token generated by Zenlink DEX
pub const LIQUIDITY: u8 = 1;
/// Other asset type on this chain, other asset modules on this chain
pub const LOCAL: u8 = 2;
/// Reserved for future, reserved asset type
pub const RESERVED: u8 = 3;
In the current version of UAI, Zenlink Assets
supports up to four locally defined assets of Native/LIQUIDITY/LOCAL/RESERVED
When these four assets are transferred across chains, a cross-chain mapping asset category Foreign
will be generated inside ZenlinkProtocol
Before and after the cross-chain asset transfer, the UAI of the asset has not changed
The trait is defined as follows
pub trait MultiAssetsHandler<AccountId> {
fn balance_of(asset_id: AssetId, who: &AccountId) -> AssetBalance;
fn total_supply(asset_id: AssetId) -> AssetBalance;
fn is_exists(asset_id: AssetId) -> bool;
fn transfer(
asset_id: AssetId,
origin: &AccountId,
target: &AccountId,
amount: AssetBalance,
) -> DispatchResult {
let withdrawn = Self::withdraw(asset_id, origin, amount)?;
let _ = Self::deposit(asset_id, target, withdrawn)?;
fn deposit(
asset_id: AssetId,
target: &AccountId,
amount: AssetBalance,
) -> Result<AssetBalance, DispatchError>;
fn withdraw(
asset_id: AssetId,
origin: &AccountId,
amount: AssetBalance,
) -> Result<AssetBalance, DispatchError>;
is a unified access interface forZenlink Actions
areZenlink Swap Action
access interfacedeposit
areZenlink Transfer-By-XCM Action
access interfaceMultiAssetsHandler
can operate in addition to the four native defined assets identified byUAI
, as well as thecross-chain mapping asset Foreign
- Four native defined assets (
) and cross-chain mapping assets (Foreign
) can be exchanged throughMultiAssetsHandler
. - Four native defined assets (
) Cross-chain asset transfer throughTransfer-By-XCM
, and a mapped assetForeign
is generated on the target parachain, Also through theTransfer-By-XCM
cross-chain transfer back to the original definition chain of the asset.
git clone
git checkout release-v0.9.1
cd polkadot & cargo build --release
In this case, the test network consists of 5 Relaychain nodes and 2 Parachain Collectors. The Parachain IDs are 200 and 300, respectively. Execute the following shell script to generate the required files, including the Relaychain configuration file, the Parachain Genesis file, and the WASM file.
# polkadot
cp ../polkadot/target/release/polkadot .
mkdir config
./polkadot build-spec --chain rococo-local --disable-default-bootnode > ./config/rococo-custom-local.json
sed -i 's/"validation_upgrade_frequency": 600/"validation_upgrade_frequency": 10/g' ./config/rococo-custom-local.json
sed -I ’s/“validation_upgrade_delay”: 300/“validation_upgrade_delay”: 5/g’ ./config/rococo-custom-local.json
./polkadot build-spec —chain ./config/rococo-custom-local.json —disable-default-bootnode —raw > ./config/rococo-local.json
# dev-parachain
cp ../dev-parachain/target/release/dev-parachain .
./dev-parachain build-spec —disable-default-bootnode > ./config/200para.json
sed -I ’s/“para_id”: 500,/“para_id”: 200,/g’ ./config/200para.json
sed -I ’s/“parachainId”: 500/“parachainId”: 200/g’ ./config/200para.json
./dev-parachain export-genesis-state —parachain-id 200 > ./config/200.genesis
./dev-parachain build-spec —disable-default-bootnode > ./config/300para.json
sed -I ’s/“para_id”: 500,/“para_id”: 300,/g’ ./config/300para.json
sed -I ’s/“parachainId”: 500/“parachainId”: 300/g’ ./config/300para.json
./dev-parachain export-genesis-state —parachain-id 300 > ./config/300.genesis
./dev-parachain export-genesis-wasm > ./config/200-300.wasm
Execute the following shell script to start the testnet.
cp config/rococo-custom-local.json config/rococo-custom-local-5.json
sed ‘/palletSession/,/palletGrandpa/{/palletSession/!{/palletGrandpa/!d}}’ -I config/rococo-custom-local-5.json
sed ‘/palletSession/ r palletSession.txt’ -I config/rococo-custom-local-5.json
./polkadot build-spec —chain config/rococo-custom-local-5.json —disable-default-bootnode —raw > config/rococo-local-5.json
mkdir data
./polkadot —ws-port 9944 —rpc-port 10025 —port 30033 -d ./data/data-a —validator —chain config/rococo-local-5.json —Alice > ./data/log.a 2>&1 &
./polkadot —ws-port 9946 —rpc-port 10026 —port 30034 -d ./data/data-b —validator —chain config/rococo-local-5.json —bob > ./data/log.b 2>&1 &
./polkadot —ws-port 9947 —rpc-port 10027 —port 30035 -d ./data/data-c —validator —chain config/rococo-local-5.json —Charlie > ./data/log.c 2>&1 &
./polkadot —ws-port 9948 —rpc-port 10028 —port 30036 -d ./data/data-d —validator —chain config/rococo-local-5.json —Dave > ./data/log.d 2>&1 &
./polkadot —ws-port 9949 —rpc-port 10029 —port 30037 -d ./data/data-e —validator —chain config/rococo-local-5.json —eve > ./data/log.e 2>&1 &
./dev-parachain -d ./data/data-200 —ws-port 9977 —port 30336 —rpc-port 10002 —rpc-cors all —unsafe-ws-external —unsafe-rpc-external —parachain-id 200 —validator —execution=native -lruntime=debug,cumulus-collator=trace,cumulus-network=trace,cumulus-consensus=trace —chain ./config/200para.json — —chain ./config/rococo-local-5.json —discover-local —execution=wasm > ./data/log.200 2>&1 &
./dev-parachain -d ./data/data-300 —ws-port 9988 —port 30337 —rpc-port 10003 —rpc-cors all —unsafe-ws-external —unsafe-rpc-external —parachain-id 300 —validator —execution=native -lruntime=debug,cumulus-collator=trace,cumulus-network=trace,cumulus-consensus=trace —chain ./config/300para.json — —chain ./config/rococo-local-5.json —discover-local —execution=wasm > ./data/log.300 2>&1 &
Connect Relaychain with endpoint 'ws://' on
- Register Parachain200
- Register Parachain300
- Establish HRMP channel, Parachain200 -> Parachain300
- Establish HRMP channel, Parachain300 -> Parachain200
Transaction type
"AccountData": {
"free": "Balance",
"reserved": "Balance",
"frozen": "Balance"
"Currency": "CurrencyIdOf",
"CurrencyIdOf": "CurrencyId",
"AmountOf": "Balance",
"Amount": "AmountOf",
"TransferOriginType": {
"_enum": {
"FromSelf": 0,
"FromRelayChain": 1,
"FromSiblingParaChain": 2
"TokenSymbol": {
"_enum": {
"ASG": 0,
"BNC": 1,
"KUSD": 2,
"DOT": 3,
"KSM": 4,
"ETH": 5
"CurrencyId": {
"_enum": {
"Native": "TokenSymbol",
"VToken": "TokenSymbol",
"Token": "TokenSymbol",
"Stable": "TokenSymbol",
"VSToken": "TokenSymbol",
"VSBond": "(TokenSymbol, ParaId, LeasePeriod, LeasePeriod)",
"LPToken": "(TokenSymbol, u8, TokenSymbol, u8)"
"TAssetBalance": "Balance",
"PalletBalanceOf": "Balance",
"BlockNumberFor": "BlockNumber",
"NumberOrHex": {
"_enum": {
"Number": "u64",
"Hex": "U256"
"IsExtended": "bool",
"SystemPalletId": "PalletId",
"RewardRecord": {
"account_id": "AccountId",
"record_amount": "Balance"
"MaxLocksOf": "u32",
"VestingInfo": {
"locked": "Balance",
"per_block": "Balance",
"starting_block": "BlockNumber"
"OrderId": "u64",
"OrderInfo": {
"owner": "AccountIdOf",
"currency_sold": "CurrencyIdOf",
"amount_sold": "BalanceOf",
"currency_expected": "CurrencyIdOf",
"amount_expected": "BalanceOf",
"order_id": "OrderId",
"order_state": "OrderState"
"OrderState": {
"_enum": [
"AssetId": {
"chain_id": "u32",
"asset_type": "u8",
"asset_index": "u64"
"ZenlinkAssetBalance": "u128",
"PairInfo": {
"asset0": "AssetId",
"asset1": "AssetId",
"account": "AccountId",
"totalLiquidity": "ZenlinkAssetBalance",
"holdingLiquidity": "ZenlinkAssetBalance",
"reserve0": "ZenlinkAssetBalance",
"reserve1": "ZenlinkAssetBalance",
"lpAssetId": "AssetId"
"PairMetadata": {
"pair_account": "AccountId",
"target_supply": "AssetBalance"
"AssetBalance": "u128",
"BootstrapParamter": {
"min_contribution": "(AssetBalance, AssetBalance)",
"target_supply": "(AssetBalance, AssetBalance)",
"accumulated_supply": "(AssetBalance, AssetBalance)",
"end_block_number": "BlockNumber",
"pair_account": "AccountId"
"PairStatus": {
"_enum": {
"Trading": "PairMetadata",
"Bootstrap": "BootstrapParamter",
"Disable": null
Switch to 'Settings' -> 'Developer', input the above json, then save.
In this example, the Balances module index equal 2 and it just has one asset. So the AssetId of native currency is (200,2,0). It means the first asset of the second module on parachain 200. Now we transfer it to parachain 300.
We can see the event in parachain 300.
It means that the zenlink protocol first issued an asset, and then minted 1,000,000.
We can see the result in zenlink protocol storage.
Now we have two assets in parachain 300.
So we can create a pair.