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Canon module
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perezzini committed Oct 4, 2017
1 parent 2dfb454 commit 3596b00
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Showing 2 changed files with 195 additions and 0 deletions.
34 changes: 34 additions & 0 deletions tigercanon.sig
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@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
signature tigercanon =
(* From an arbitrary Tree statement, produce a list of cleaned trees
satisfying the following properties:
1. No SEQ's or ESEQ's
2. The parent of every CALL is an EXP(..) or a MOVE(TEMP t,..)
val linearize : tigertree.stm -> tigertree.stm list

(* From a list of cleaned trees, produce a list of
basic blocks satisfying the following properties:
1. and 2. as above;
3. Every block begins with a LABEL;
4. A LABEL appears only at the beginning of a block;
5. Any JUMP or CJUMP is the last stm in a block;
6. Every block ends with a JUMP or CJUMP;
Also produce the "label" to which control will be passed
upon exit.
val basicBlocks :
tigertree.stm list -> (tigertree.stm list list * tigertemp.label)

(* From a list of basic blocks satisfying properties 1-6,
along with an "exit" label, produce a list of stms such that:
1. and 2. as above;
7. Every CJUMP(_,t,f) is immediately followed by LABEL f.
The blocks are reordered to satisfy property 7; also
in this reordering as many JUMP(T.NAME(lab)) statements
as possible are eliminated by falling through into T.LABEL(lab).
val traceSchedule :
tigertree.stm list list * tigertemp.label -> tigertree.stm list

161 changes: 161 additions & 0 deletions tigercanon.sml
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@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
structure tigercanon :> tigercanon =

open tigertab
open tigertree

fun linearize(stm0: stm) : stm list =
infix %
fun (EXP(CONST _)) % x = x
| x % (EXP(CONST _)) = x
| x % y = SEQ(x,y)

fun commute(EXP(CONST _), _) = true
| commute(_, NAME _) = true
| commute(_, CONST _) = true
| commute(EXP(CALL(NAME "_checkIndexArray", _)), _) = true
| commute(EXP(CALL(NAME "_checkNil", _)), _) = true
| commute(EXP x, y) =
let fun inmut(NAME _) = true
| inmut(CONST _) = true
| inmut(TEMP FP) = true
| inmut(BINOP(_, x, y)) = inmut(x) andalso inmut(y)
| inmut _ = false
in inmut x orelse inmut y end
| commute _ = false

val nop = EXP(CONST 0)

fun reorder ((e as CALL _ )::rest) =
let val t = tigertemp.newtemp()
in reorder(ESEQ(MOVE(TEMP t, e),
TEMP t) :: rest) end
| reorder (a::rest) =
let val (stms,e) = do_exp a
val (stms',el) = reorder rest
in if commute(stms',e)
then (stms % stms',e::el)
let val t = tigertemp.newtemp()
in (stms % MOVE(TEMP t, e) % stms',
TEMP t :: el) end
| reorder nil = (nop,nil)

and reorder_exp(el,build) =
let val (stms,el') = reorder el
in (stms, build el') end

and reorder_stm(el,build) =
let val (stms,el') = reorder (el)
in stms % build(el') end

and do_stm(SEQ(a,b)) = do_stm a % do_stm b
| do_stm(JUMP(e,labs)) =
reorder_stm([e],fn l => JUMP(hd l,labs))
| do_stm(CJUMP(p,a,b,t,f)) =
reorder_stm([a,b], fn l=> CJUMP(p,hd l,hd(tl l),t,f))
| do_stm(MOVE(TEMP t,CALL(e,el))) =
reorder_stm(e::el,fn l => MOVE(TEMP t,CALL(hd l,tl l)))
| do_stm(MOVE(TEMP t,b)) =
reorder_stm([b],fn l=>MOVE(TEMP t,hd l))
| do_stm(MOVE(MEM e,b)) =
reorder_stm([e,b],fn l=>MOVE(MEM(hd l),hd(tl l)))
| do_stm(MOVE(ESEQ(s,e),b)) = do_stm(SEQ(s,MOVE(e,b)))
| do_stm(EXP(CALL(e,el))) =
reorder_stm(e::el,fn l => EXP(CALL(hd l,tl l)))
| do_stm(EXP e) = reorder_stm([e],fn l=>EXP(hd l))
| do_stm s = reorder_stm([],fn _=>s)

and do_exp(BINOP(p,a,b)) =
reorder_exp([a,b], fn l=>BINOP(p,hd l,hd(tl l)))
| do_exp(MEM(a)) = reorder_exp([a], fn l=>MEM(hd l))
| do_exp(ESEQ(s,e)) =
let val stms = do_stm s
val (stms',e) = do_exp e
in (stms%stms',e) end
| do_exp(CALL(e,el)) =
reorder_exp(e::el, fn l => CALL(hd l,tl l))
| do_exp e = reorder_exp([],fn _=>e)

(* linear gets rid of the top-level SEQ's, producing a list *)
fun linear(SEQ(a,b),l) = linear(a,linear(b,l))
| linear(s,l) = s::l

in (* body of linearize *)
linear(do_stm stm0, nil)

type block = stm list

(* Take list of statements and make basic blocks satisfying conditions
3 and 4 above, in addition to the extra condition that
every block ends with a JUMP or CJUMP *)

fun basicBlocks stms =
let val done = tigertemp.newlabel()
fun blocks((head as LABEL _) :: tail, blist) =
let fun next((s as (JUMP _))::rest, thisblock) =
endblock(rest, s::thisblock)
| next((s as (CJUMP _))::rest, thisblock) =
| next(stms as (LABEL lab :: _), thisblock) =
next(JUMP(NAME lab,[lab])
:: stms, thisblock)
| next(s::rest, thisblock) = next(rest, s::thisblock)
| next(nil, thisblock) =
next([JUMP(NAME done, [done])],

and endblock(stms, thisblock) =
blocks(stms, rev thisblock :: blist)
in next(tail, [head]) end
| blocks(nil, blist) = rev blist
| blocks(stms, blist) =
blocks(LABEL(tigertemp.newlabel())::stms, blist)
in (blocks(stms,nil), done) end

fun enterblock(b as (LABEL s :: _), table) = tabRInserta(s, b, table)
| enterblock(_, table) = table

fun splitlast([x]) = (nil,x)
| splitlast(h::t) = let val (t',last) = splitlast t in (h::t', last) end
| splitlast _ = raise Fail "no ocurre!"

fun trace(table,b as (LABEL lab :: _),rest) =
let val table = tabRInserta(lab, nil, table)
in case splitlast b of
(most,JUMP(NAME lab, _)) =>
(case tabBusca(lab, table) of
SOME(b' as _::_) => most @ trace(table, b', rest)
| _ => b @ getnext(table,rest))
| (most,CJUMP(opr,x,y,t,f)) =>
(case (tabBusca(t,table), tabBusca(f,table)) of
(_, SOME(b' as _::_)) => b @ trace(table, b', rest)
| (SOME(b' as _::_), _) =>
most @ [CJUMP(notRel opr,x,y,f,t)]
@ trace(table, b', rest)
| _ => let val f' = tigertemp.newlabel()
in most @ [CJUMP(opr,x,y,t,f'),
JUMP(NAME f,[f])]
@ getnext(table,rest)
| (most, JUMP _) => b @ getnext(table,rest)
| _ => raise Fail "debiera ser imposible!(1)"
| trace _ = raise Fail "debiera ser imposible!(2)"

and getnext(table,(b as (LABEL lab::_))::rest) =
(case tabBusca(lab, table) of
SOME(_::_) => trace(table,b,rest)
| _ => getnext(table,rest))
| getnext(table,nil) = nil
| getnext _ = raise Fail "no puede pasar!"

fun traceSchedule(blocks,done) =
getnext(foldr enterblock (tabNueva()) blocks, blocks)
@ [LABEL done]


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