A Chromecast Style Node.JS Media Centre Web App for Plex designed to run on a Raspberry Pi, which uses OMXPlayer as a front end.
NodeJSMediaCentre with a sizable TV Library: 
- A modern version of Node.js (Tested on v0.10.24)
- A media player which can play remote files over HTTP and can be launched from a terminal. Tested:
- OMXPlayer
- Plex hosted somewhere with a library of TV Shows
- OMX_PLAYER - Set the command and flags used when called for playback. EG: 'omxplayer '
- PLEX_SERVER - Hostname of your Plex Server
- PLEX_SERVER_PORT - Port of your Plex Server
Set all these (Or use one of the helper scripts listed below), then:
node server.js
Then open a browser and navigate to:
- Start with the latest Raspbian image
- Re-configure the boot image of the Pi to have atleast TODO graphics memory
- Install latest Node.js
- Install latest OMXPlayer
- Checkout NodeJSMediaCentre from Github
- Edit run script (EG: run-pi-hdmi-audio.sh) to set your player options, and Plex hostname/port
- run-pi-hdmi-audio.sh - Uses OMXPlayer, outputting audio over HDMI. A good starting point on the Raspberry Pi.
- run-pi-local-audio.sh - Uses OMXPlayer, outputting audio over 3.5mm jack.
- run-mac-vlc.sh - Calls VLC in the default install path on OSX. Works passibly, but keycontrol of the player doesn't work.