welcome.py is a simple example to display a welcome text with (Adafruit_Python_SSD1306)[https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_Python_SSD1306] on an OLED 1.3'' 128x64 LCD with a Raspbery Zero W It will print a welcome text, the IP address and the disk usage. For more detail, you can check this page (in french sorry): ()[http://smart-idea.io/raspberry-zero-lora-lorawan-rfm95-radiohead-oled/]
welcome.cpp is simple script to display a welcome text on a OLED 128x32 It works wirh https://github.com/hallard/ArduiPi_OLED and need to be copilme from https://github.com/hallard/ArduiPi_OLED/tree/master/examples
Feel you free to add suggestion or correction to improve