- Obs: Tested with "com.unity.purchasing": "3.2.3"!
- Make your custom type of product!
- Easily create custom views for your products to be displayed in game!
- Full IAP Controller.
namespace IAP_System.Base.Products
[CreateAssetMenu(menuName = "IAP Custom Product", fileName = "New Custom IAP Product")]
public class MyCustomIAPProduct : InAppPurchaseProduct
public override string ProductQuantityText => "$ " + productQty;
public override void AwardPlayer()
Debug.Log($"Add {productQty} to my custom product type");
namespace IAP_System.Base.Products
public abstract class InAppPurchaseProduct : ScriptableObject
[SerializeField] protected string productKey = "myGame500Coins";
[SerializeField] protected ProductType productType = ProductType.Consumable;
[SerializeField] protected string productName = "500 Coins";
[TextArea] public string productDescription = "Get 500 coins";
[SerializeField] protected int productQty = 500;
[SerializeField] protected Sprite productSprite;
public virtual string ProductKey => productKey;
public virtual ProductType ProductType => productType;
public virtual string ProductName => productName;
public virtual string ProductDescription => productDescription;
public virtual int ProductQuantity => productQty;
public virtual string ProductQuantityText => productQty.ToString();
public virtual Sprite ProductSprite => productSprite;
public virtual string ProductNicePrice => IAPController.ME.GetPrice(this);
public virtual void BuyProduct() => IAPController.ME.BuyProductID(this);
public abstract void AwardPlayer();