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A new black-box testing framework, written in Kotlin.

Test scenarios are YAML files, ensuring equal accessibility for developers and testers.

Obsidian is an integration of existing web-based technologies, combined with robust assertions, all accessible via common DSL.


  • Simple commands for the lightest, most maintainable tests
  • YAML for ease of reading, editor support, linters, consistent syntax
  • Deterministic tests: perform operations but check / assert everything

Integrated technologies:

  • WebDriver via Selenium 3.x
    • Local browsers, or via local/remote Selenium Grid
    • Headless or windowed
  • Assertions/matchers from Hamkrest
  • Java Unified Expression Language implementation for ${} expressions
  • HTTP requests and lookups via HttpClient
  • Capture and query HAR files, or throttle traffic using BrowserMob Proxy
  • API testing via WireMock
  • Cucumber tests
  • Pull Docker images and launch test containers
  • Database commands and lookups for data-driven tests (MySQL and Postgres)
  • Amazon S3 and Redis commands and lookups
  • XML / JSON / JavaScript / Cookies


  1. A cross-browser test:

     browsers: {chrome,phantomjs,htmlunit,firefox,safari 12}
     Simple content checks:
     - url: local:demos/static_pages/ipsum.html
     - waitFor: {that: p, contains: Pellentesque habitant morbi}

    That test will look for local browsers unless configured for a Selenium Grid.

  2. A Google search test, using the default browser (headless Chrome):

     Google test:
     - url:
     - type: rembrandt van rijn wikipedia return
       in: input[type=text]
     - waitFor: {that: '#rso h3', equals: 'Rembrandt - Wikipedia'}  # First match
  3. Screenshots:

     browsers: firefox  # FF reliably handles element screenshots
     Element and page screenshot example:
     - url: local:demos/static_pages/ipsum.html
     - screenshot: {as: NewFullScreenScreenshot}
     - screenshot: {of: h2, as: Header2Screenshot}
  4. Matchers (textual or numeric):

     - assert: {that: GitHub,
                eq: GitHub,
                anyOf: {GitHub, GitHub, orSomethingElse},
                equalsIgnoreCase: {giThub, github, GitHuB},
                not eq: github,
                not equalsIgnoreCase: xxx,
                contains: {itHub, Git},
                containsIgnoreCase: {ithub, th, ub},
                containsIgnoreWhitespace: {'  tHub', 'Gi  ', ub},
                not contains: {xxx, Blah},
                startsWith: GitH,
                startsWithIgnoreCase: {gith, gi},
                endsWith: tHub,
                endsWithIgnoreCase: thub,
                matches: 'G\S+ub',
                matchesIgnoreCase: thub,
                not matches: 'G\s+ub'}
     - assert: {that: 123345,
                eq: 123345,
                not equals: 9876543,
                gt: 1,
                not gt: 9876543,
                gte: {1,123345},
                lt: 9876543}

Runnning Scenarios

Run with GUI:


Run without GUI, with local web browsers:

./ demos/google.yaml demos/fixme.yaml ...

./ demos/  # All in a folder...

Run using a local Selenium Grid:

./ demos/google.yaml ...

Run using a remote Selenium Grid:

./ host:port demos/google.yaml ...

Longer form, showing global defaults and overrides (enforce headless Chrome-only):

java -jar dist/obsidian.jar \
     --nogui \
     --defaultConfig="{systemProperties: {env: Test}, defaults: {window: {width: 1200}}}" \
     --overrideConfig="browsers: chrome" \

Runnning Cucumber Scenarios

Run Cucumber (specifying list of scenarios, and list of implementations):

./ [gherkin scripts or folders] [scenarios or folders]
./ test.feature test.yaml


A former Kotlin black box testing framework







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