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AA Sovereignty Timer

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Sovereignty campaign overview for Alliance Auth.


AA Sov Timer Dashboard

AA Sov Timer Dashboard



AA Sov Timer >= 2.0.0 needs at least Alliance Auth v4.0.0!

Please make sure to update your Alliance Auth instance before you install this module or update to the latest version, otherwise an update to Alliance Auth will be pulled in unsupervised.

The last version compatible with Alliance Auth v3 is 1.12.3.

Important: Please make sure you meet all preconditions before you proceed:

  • AA Sovereignty Timer is a plugin for Alliance Auth. If you don't have Alliance Auth running already, please install it first before proceeding. (see the official AA installation guide for details)
  • AA Sovereignty Timer needs the app django-eveuniverse to function. Please make sure it is installed before continuing.

Step 1: Installing the App

Make sure you're in the virtual environment (venv) of your Alliance Auth installation. Then install the latest version:

pip install aa-sov-timer

Step 2: Update Your AA Settings

Configure your AA settings ( as follows:

  • Add 'eveuniverse', to INSTALLED_APPS if not already done for another app
  • Add 'sovtimer', to INSTALLED_APPS

Restart your supervisor

Step 3: Finalizing the Installation

Copy static files and run migrations

python collectstatic
python migrate

Step 4: Preload Eve Universe Data

AA Sovereignty Timer uses Eve Universe data to map IDs to names for solar systems, regions and constellations. So you need to preload some data from ESI once. If you already have run this command, you can skip this step.

python eveuniverse_load_data map
python sovtimer_load_initial_data

Both commands might take a moment or two, so be patient ...

Step 5: Setting up Permission

Now you can set up permissions in Alliance Auth for your users. Add sovtimer | Sovereignty Timer | Can access the Sovereignty Timer module to the states and/or groups you would like to have access.

Step 6: Keep Campaigns Updated

Add the following scheduled task to your One done, restart your supervisor.

# AA Sovereignty Timer - Run sovereignty related updates every 30 seconds
CELERYBEAT_SCHEDULE["sovtimer.tasks.run_sov_campaign_updates"] = {
    "task": "sovtimer.tasks.run_sov_campaign_updates",
    "schedule": 30.0,

Now your system is updating the sovereignty campaigns every 30 seconds.


To update your existing installation of AA Sovereignty Timer, first enable your virtual environment.

Then run the following commands from your AA project directory (the one that contains

pip install -U aa-sov-timer
python collectstatic
python migrate

Finally, restart your AA supervisor services.



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Translation status

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