This repository hosts:
- A vsock server running inside an enclave, implemented in Rust and Python, which is used for communication between a parent instance and a Nitro Enclave or between two enclaves
- A gRPC server, implemented in Golang, which is running inside the Nitro Enclave. Traffic from clients is proxied through a vsock interface.
- Inspiration comes from this article
NOTE: Ensure that Enclave Support is enabled when the EC2 instance is launched! Otherwise, you may get errors [E19], [E39], and '/dev/nitro_enclaves' is not created.
Important Articles:
Install rust & rustup:
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh source $HOME/.cargo/env
Install git for cloning the repository:
sudo yum install git -y
Clone the repository:
git clone
Build the project by following this article
In Step 9, run the client side by executing:
./vsock_sample/rs/target/x86_64-unknown-linux-musl/release/vsock-sample client --cid 6 --port 5005
The server should display
Hello, World!
in the enclave terminal.
Before running the gRPC server, ensure that all previously launched enclaves are terminated:
nitro-cli describe-enclaves
sudo nitro-cli terminate-enclave --enclave-id <enclave-id>
Further, ensure that enough memory is allocated. This machine will require 1772 MB of memory.
sudo cat /etc/nitro_enclaves/allocator.yaml
Start by installing relevant tools for protobuf and gRPC.
# Install protoc (if not installed)
sudo yum install -y protobuf-compiler
# Install Go plugins for gRPC and protobuf
go install[email protected]
go install[email protected]
- Generate the proto files
protoc --go_out=paths=source_relative:. --go-grpc_out=paths=source_relative:. proto/echo.proto
- Build the docker image, Build the enclave image, Run the enclave and Check the enclave terminal
make connect-rebuild-enclave
Now, build and run the client. For this, we need to run Socat to Forward TCP to VSOCK. In a new terminal, run:
make socat-run
- Build the client
go build -o client client.go
- Run the client
make client-run
- Expected Output in the enclave terminal:
Received: Hello from outside the enclave!
- Expected Output in the client terminal:
2024/10/19 10:11:44 Attestation document fields validated
2024/10/19 10:11:44 COSE signature verified successfully!
2024/10/19 10:11:44 Attestation document verified successfully
2024/10/19 10:11:44 Server response: Echo: Hello from client!
2024/10/19 10:11:44 Round-trip time: 4.32597ms
See CONTRIBUTING for more information.
This project is licensed under the Apache-2.0 License.