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program options

Hugo Brunie edited this page Sep 3, 2021 · 3 revisions

ASGarD options can be viewed using the help option

./asgard -h

This will display the following:

  asgard  options

where options are:
  -?, -h, --help                            display usage information
  -a, --available_pdes                      Print available pdes (for -p
                                            argument) and exit
  -c, --cfl <positive float>                The Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy (CFL)
  -t, --dt <positive float>                 Size of time steps
  -d, --degree <positive integer>           Terms in legendre basis
  -f, --full_grid                           Use full grid (vs. sparse grid)
  -i, --implicit                            Use implicit time advance (vs.
  -s, --solver <direct|gmres>               Solver to use for implicit
  -l, --levels <e.g. for 2d PDE: "3 2">     Stating hierarchical levels
  -m, --max_level <integer >= all           Maximum hierarchical levels
  starting levels>                          (resolution) for adaptivity
  -n, --num_steps <positive integer>        Number of iterations
  -p, --pde <e.g. continuity2>              PDE to solve; use -a option to
                                            print list of choices
  -e, --electric_solve                      Do poisson solve for electric
  -w, --wave_freq <0-num_time_steps>        Frequency in steps for writing
                                            wavelet space output
  -r, --real_freq <0-num_time_steps>        Frequency in steps for writing
                                            realspace output
  --adapt                                   Enable/disable adaptivity
  --thresh < 0>threshold<1 >                Relative threshold for adaptivity
  --matlab_name <session name>              Name of a shared MATLAB session
                                            to connect to
  --plot_freq <0-num_time_steps>            Frequency in steps for displaying

Greater detail of these options is given below.

The CFL option -c' or -cfl` is followed by a real number which is a multiplier on the CFL time-step (less than one decreases time step). The default is 0.01.

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