Managed API for FileZilla FTP server. Allows you to do basically the same as the FileZilla Server interface. Target audience is everyone who wants to automate the administration of FileZilla server, particularly user/group management.
- Get/Set Groups/Users using GetAccountSettings/SetAccountSettings methods.
- Get/Set server state using GetServerState/SetServerState methods.
- Get/Set server settings using GetSettings/SetSettings methods.
- Get active connections using GetConnections method.
- Kick connection using Kick method.
- Ban IP (and kick) using BanIp method.
- Use FileZillaServerProtocol for more advanced implemetations.
##FileZilla Server versions supported Simplified: 0.9.43 or later
###FileZilla Server versions tested during development
- 0.9.43 - Verified to work (Last FileZilla Server to support Windows XP/2003)
- 0.9.46 - First version supported
- 0.9.48 - Protocol changed to support 16M users
- 0.9.52 - Protocol changes mostly related to TLS
- 0.9.54 - User passwords hashed using Sha512
Other versions than listed are supported provided that the FileZilla team has not changed the protocol version (an ApiException is thrown upon connect if that is the case). Basically: If the API are able to connect to the FileZilla server then you are good to go! If not then let me know, and I will try to fix it.
##Example: Create user in 5 easy steps:
####1: Create instance of API
// Using localhost and default port
var fileZillaApi = new FileZillaApi();
// Using specific server/port
var fileZillaApi = new FileZillaApi(IPAddress.Parse(""), 54321);
####2: Connect to FileZilla server
fileZillaApi.Connect("FileZilla password");
####3: Get account settings which includes all users and groups
var accountSettings = fileZillaApi.GetAccountSettings();
####4: Modify Users and Groups lists as desired (add/change/delete).
var user = new User
GroupName = "SomeGroup", // Reference to existing group
UserName = "NewUser",
Password = User.HashPassword("secret"),
SharedFolders = new List<SharedFolder>()
new SharedFolder()
Directory = @"C:\Hello\World",
####5: Save account settings. This will override all users and groups.
##Complete example (C#):
using (IFileZillaApi fileZillaApi = new FileZillaApi())
fileZillaApi.Connect("FileZilla password");
var accountSettings = fileZillaApi.GetAccountSettings();
var user = new User
GroupName = "SomeGroup", // Reference to existing group
UserName = "NewUser",
SharedFolders = new List<SharedFolder>()
new SharedFolder()
Directory = @"C:\Hello\World",
AccessRights = AccessRights.DirList | AccessRights.DirSubdirs | AccessRights.FileRead | AccessRights.FileWrite | AccessRights.IsHome
user.AssignPassword("secret", fileZillaApi.ProtocolVersion);
##Complete example (VB.NET):
Using fileZillaApi As IFileZillaApi = New FileZillaApi()
fileZillaApi.Connect("FileZilla password")
Dim accountSettings = fileZillaApi.GetAccountSettings()
' Reference to existing group
Dim user = New User()
user.GroupName = "SomeGroup"
user.UserName = "NewUser"
user.SharedFolders = New List(Of SharedFolder)() From {
New SharedFolder() With {
.Directory = "C:\Hello\World"
.AccessRights = AccessRights.DirList Or AccessRights.DirSubdirs Or AccessRights.FileRead Or AccessRights.FileWrite Or AccessRights.IsHome
user.AssignPassword("secret", fileZillaApi.ProtocolVersion)
End Using
Groups are managed just like Users using accountSettings.Groups.
####See sample project for further information.