- The UI should be self explanatory. I haven't crash-proofed the UI yet and I am not sure if I have the time to.
- Command Line
- Invoke the app from your shell in a command line termnal with input and output file as below:
- Input file must be prefixed with `-s`, output must be prefixed with `-t`
- Example on windows: `er_mule_copier.exe -s 'path\to\source\savefile.sl2' -t 'path\to\target\savefile.sl2'`.
- On *nix/steamdeck it's: `er_mule_copier -s 'path/to/source/savefile.sl2' -t 'path/to/target/savefile.sl2'`.
- Install the rust SDK on your system: https://www.rust-lang.org/tools/install
- Download the project using git or github download.
- On the root of the project, issue `cargo build --release --bin gui` or `cargo build --release --bin cli` depending on whether you want the CLI or the GUI frontend. The binary will be found in `target/release/` named `gui` or `cli` depending on what you build.
See the releases page.
Disclaimer: *This software comes with no guarantee and liability, back up your save file and use this at your own risk. I hold no liability for any unwanted outcomes of using this software.
Acknowledgements: This project would not be possible without BenGrn/EldenRingSaveCopier since I used the magic constants from that repo. I wanted this save copier to work on Linux and decided to port the app.
Attribution: One Page Up icon by Icons8