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HowTo Installl and Use time2do

Paulo Vital edited this page Mar 13, 2015 · 1 revision

Howto Install and Use time2do

Compiling time2do

If you choosed to download the last stable tarball of time2do, decompress it in your system, using the command:

$ tar -zjvf time2do-<version>.tar.bz2

This command will create a directory called time2do-<version>. If you choose to download the last development repository (via SVN), a directory called time2do will be created. Access the directory already created and compile the sources using the following command:

$ cd time2do-<version>
$ ./configure
$ make
$ make install (as root)

This command will create an executable file called time2do in the /usr/local/bin directory. To choose another directory to install, see the INSTALL file inside the time2do source directory, to learn how set up the directory.

Using time2do

To use time2do, create a new line in user's crontab, using the following schema:

# m  h  dom mon dow   command
59 17 * * 1-5 export DISPLAY=:0.0; /path_to/time2do "msg_to_display"

If you create this rule without a message to display, the message "It's time to go home!!!" will be displayed.

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