Global registration plus ICP refinement in open3d
My data consists of patient head scans (wavefront .obj format). Each patient has two mesh models i.e one is scene
mesh which is obtained from a 3D structure sensor, and the other one is model
mesh which is obtained from CT data.
Before we proceed to the Global Registration part, we might need to look at the filtering part. The reason for that is that sometimes the point cloud data can have a lot of outlier points i.e background parts which can also be termed as the noise
The presence of such outliers can result in the bad performance of the global registration algorithm. Therefore it is important to remove those unwanted points from our data so that we can get better and more robust registration results.
In my approach, I used two methods from Open3D library to filter my data. Those methods are Plane Segmentation
and Clustering
. Some documentation on these methods can be found at this link.
In my case, model
object did not have much noise so it can be used as it is. However, the scene
objects have a lot of background noise.
In first step, I perform plane segmentation in Open3D and obtain the following separation between inlier and outlier points.
After plane segmentation, we still have some outlier parts in the point cloud. To remove those outliers, we can leverage clustering method provided in Open3D.
After filtering, the final point cloud looks like this.
Note: One thing to mention is that this filtering technique is applicable if the point cloud has a lot of background points. If your data has less or no noise and you apply these techniques, it can remove important parts from your data and hence can result in wrong registration. So we need to be careful and selective as to when we should apply filtering methods.
Both ICP registration and Colored point cloud registration are known as local registration methods because they rely on a rough alignment as initialization. This tutorial shows another class of registration methods, known as global registration. This family of algorithms do not require an alignment for initialization. They usually produce less tight alignment results and are used as initialization of the local methods.
This helper function visualizes
the transformed source point cloud together with the target point cloud.
We downsample the point cloud, estimate normals, then compute a FPFH feature for each point. The FPFH feature is a 33-dimensional vector that describes the local geometric property of a point. A nearest neighbor query in the 33-dimensional space can return points with similar local geometric structures.
We read a source point cloud and a target point cloud from two files. They are misaligned with a rotation matrix
as transformation.
RANSAC (Random Sample Consensus) is used to deal with the outliers
in the data associations or identifying which points are inliers
and outliers
for our model estimation technique.
We use RANSAC for global registration. In each RANSAC iteration, ransac_n
random points are picked from the source point cloud. Their corresponding points in the target point cloud are detected by querying the nearest neighbor in the 33-dimensional FPFH feature space. A pruning step takes fast pruning algorithms to quickly reject false matches early. Open3D provides the following pruning algorithms:
- CorrespondenceCheckerBasedOnDistance checks if aligned point clouds are close i.e. less than the specified
. - CorrespondenceCheckerBasedOnEdgeLength checks if the lengths of any two arbitrary edges (line formed by two vertices) individually drawn from source and target correspondences are similar. This example checks that
are true. - CorrespondenceCheckerBasedOnNormal considers vertex normal affinity of any correspondences. It computes the
dot product
of two normal vectors. It takes a radian value for the threshold.
Only matches that pass the pruning step are used to compute a transformation
, which is validated on the entire point cloud. The core function is registration_ransac_based_on_feature_matching
. The most important hyperparameter of this function is RANSACConvergenceCriteria
. It defines the maximum number of RANSAC iterations and the confidence probability. The larger these two numbers are, the more accurate the result is, but also the more time the algorithm takes.
We set the RANSAC parameters based on the empirical value provided by Choi2015.
Explanation by Cyrill Stachniss.
- Sample the number of data points required to fit the model
- Compute the model parameters using the sampled data points
- Score by the fraction of
within a presetthreshold
of the model
Repeat steps 1-3 until the best model is found with high confidence.
How often do we need to try?
Not easy to answer. Let's see which parameters
are involved in our RANSAC estimation and how the affect the number of trials that we need to do.
- Number of sampled points s (minimum number needed to fit the model). Only inlier points are included.
- Outlier ratio e (e = #outliers / #datapoints)
What is requried Number of trials T?
Choose T so that, with probability p, at least one random sample set is free from outliers.
For one iteration
, how likely is it to to succeed and find the right result? What does it mean to find the right result?
To find the right result mean sampling with s containing only the inlier
points and there is not a single outlier
in this set. The nwe can comput the model
only using the inliers, and then have correct results.
What is the probability of only drawing inliers?
The probability of drawing a single inlier is 1-e
. Therefore the probability for drawing all the inliers is (1-e)(1-e)(1-e)...
, i.e. p = (1-e)^s
What is the probability of failing?
Failing means that one of those points is an oulier. So it will be 1 - p = 1 - (1-e)^s
. This is the probability of failing once in one iteration.
Then what is the probability of failing T times? i.e. What is the probability of failing always?
It will be 1 - p = 1-((1-e)^s)^T
T is the only unknown here. We can rearrange the equation and compute T based on p, e and s. We can take log
on both sides and get the following equation.
log(1-p) = Tlog(1 - (1-e)^s)
T = log(1-p) / log(1 - (1-e)^s)
This gives us the numeber of trials that we need.
For performance reason, the global registration is only performed on a heavily down-sampled
point cloud. The result is also not tight. We use Point-to-plane ICP to further refine the alignment.
Example link has been provided by Open3d in the doumentation.
An implementation for Fast Global Registration has also been provided in the official example. However, it seems to be slower comapred to normal implementation due to some reason. Also, simple global registration is already fast enoug hfor our case.